I'm a plain speaker.

I'm a motivational speaker.

I'm a horrible public speaker.

I'm not much of a public speaker.

Speaker Boehner is doing a great job.

I am a humble speaker, I speak very well.

I am not a public speaker and never will be.

I didn't think I was much of a public speaker.

Being Speaker of the House is a really tough spot.

Andy Andrews is the best speaker I have ever seen.

I'm calling out the enemy. He is Speaker Paul Ryan.

Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.

Paul Ryan needs to step down as Speaker of the House.

Unlike his father, Churchill was not a natural speaker.

The higher the moral tone, the more suspect the speaker.

You have to make some hard decisions when you're speaker.

I love Paul Heyman, I think he's the most talented speaker.

I'm not a native English speaker but do post tweets in English.

If the speaker won't boil it down, the audience must sweat it out.

As a Welsh speaker, I'm very conscious of how activism can effect real change.

If Americans want President Trump to be successful, we must retire Speaker Ryan.

A career public speaker is not what I'm called to be. I'm called to be a critic.

In words are seen the state of mind and character and disposition of the speaker.

Lincoln was the greatest speaker and he was ridiculed for how he looked, you know?

If you asked me if I'd rather be Speaker or a very senior minister, I'd say Speaker.

I intend to be a strong Speaker. I hope to make some imaginative changes around here.

I am a software engineer, a popular public speaker, and an expert in the Unreal engine.

Mr. Speaker, democracy works best when the American electorate is engaged and informed.

I think the record shows that as Speaker, I have taken the lead in cleaning up politics.

While you're writing, you can't concentrate nearly as well on what the speaker is saying.

If you had the opportunity to cast your vote for speaker, would you vote for Nancy Pelosi?

Simon Russell Beale is an incomparable speaker of Shakespeare and a superb all-round actor.

Micing it from two different angles in front of the speaker sounds huge, and it's so simple.

The pure work implies the disappearance of the poet as speaker, who hands over to the words.

My dad wasn't the best speaker like a Bill Clinton, or a Henry Kissinger, but he had character.

Speaker Pelosi says unemployment benefits are economic stimulus. Those are bare-bones benefits.

I think Senator Marco Rubio was a very good speaker of the House, has been a very good senator.

I read that my lifelong dream is to serve as speaker with Hillary Clinton as president. So what?

I think actors, athletes, and anyone who's a public speaker is very amazing or fascinating to me.

I taught myself how to be a speaker on Google. I just Googled 'how to be a motivational speaker.'

I really respect the work and speeches of Tony Benn. He was a powerful speaker with a huge heart.

Mr. Speaker, Delaware River's regional ports handle approximately 58 million tons of cargo yearly.

Mr. Speaker, the time for an increase in the minimum wage has not just arrived; it is long overdue.

My father is my true inspiration. He's a motivational speaker, so he does a fine job of guiding me.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the definition of a marriage as between one man and one woman.

I'm a motivational speaker, so I'm going to look at something in as much of a positive way as possible.

I didn't plan on running for speaker, but I don't see anyone else stepping up. I know I'm the underdog.

I think Paul Ryan would make a great speaker. And people like him are the kinds of people that we need.

We need the speaker to be an institutionalist for the Congress, not to be a defender of the deep state.

Try to be as good a listener as you are a speaker. Don't just put the emphasis on saying things. Listen.

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