Spending is an addiction.

Cut back your spending now.

Federal spending is atrocious.

Stop spending money you don't have.

I really enjoy spending time at home.

I like spending time with my husband.

I'm against spending money to record.

Avoid spending too much on one thing.

Instead of spending money, I earned it.

We just love spending time with family.

How do you hold down government spending?

I'm spending a year dead for tax reasons.

Hiding spending does not reduce spending.

Roll back federal spending to 2008 levels.

We are spending $1 billion a week in Iraq.

Government is just spending too much money.

I came to Congress to help reduce spending.

Spending creates more wealth for everybody.

My ideal night is spending it in with Vogue.

Spending time outdoors makes you feel great.

You don't help the economy by spending money.

We need to stop spending money we don't have.

Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers.

I'm going to teach you to HATE spending money.

I absolutely love spending time with my family.

I get a huge buzz from spending time with kids.

It is in spending oneself that one becomes rich.

I would like to have campaign spending limits...

Time has changed and now is the age of spending.

Transportation spending is a win-win proposition.

Defense is not like other discretionary spending.

Stop spending your time; start investing your time.

We're failing when it comes to controlling spending.

Spending your days waiting to die is no way to live.

We have to deal with two issues. Spending and taxes.

Borrowing and spending is not the way to prosperity.

Whoever stole it is spending less money than my wife.

Spending on the military doesn't increase the deficit.

The World Bank can only survive if it's spending money.

While I enjoy spending time in L.A., Britain is my home.

The deficit is the symptom, but spending is the disease.

Spending money is much more difficult than making money.

Regardless of my legislation, spending has to be stopped.

Spending time with America's soldiers is always inspiring.

Manage your spending by creating and sticking to a budget.

I'm spending all my time and energy on the project at hand.

Get rid of IRS; get rid of income tax; get rid of spending.

Republicans went off track. We were spending too much money.

Expose widespread waste and duplication in federal spending.

Spending big money does not mean you win all the silverware.

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