I don't like spending money.

Stop spending money you don't have.

I love spending money. I always have.

I'm against spending money to record.

I'm not very good with spending money.

Instead of spending money, I earned it.

Football is not just about spending money.

You don't help the economy by spending money.

We need to stop spending money we don't have.

The World Bank can only survive if it's spending money.

Spending money is much more difficult than making money.

I don't think spending money is a guarantee for anything.

Old habits die hard. I don't like spending money willy-nilly.

I would love to see the French spending money to restore Iraq.

Life is better when people are working, happy, and spending money.

If people are spending money to hear us, they better go home happy.

It's time to stop spending money we don't have and balance the budget.

I don't believe in spending money lavishly, now that I'm making money.

Chaplin was notoriously strict with his sons and rarely gave them spending money.

The time making money should be greater than the time that you are spending money.

People didn't stop spending money, they just spent it on things that complement their PCs.

We keep spending money and sending it overseas when we should be developing American energy.

People don't realize that we're spending money throwing food away rather than feeding people.

We need to stop spending money on those weapons systems that do not advance national security.

I have made lots of mistakes in terms of contracts and spending money when I shouldn't have spent money.

I've enjoyed the pleasures of working since I was 12 and earned all my own spending money since I was 14.

I don't spoil myself on extravagant cars or spending money on jewelry. So I save a lot of the money I have.

But I do believe in living life to the full and so I have no problems spending money on travel and holidays.

I don't know the time frame exactly, but it's clear they're all going to want to start spending money again.

When I first turned pro, I was making a lot of money, and I was spending money from two fights down the line.

I believe in spending money to make your home the perfect sanctuary away from work and the stress of everyday life.

We need to stop spending money on death, the war in Iraq and on enhancing the lives of the people in our own country.

It's such a hard thing to write a song for your fans without sounding naff and thanking them for spending money on you.

We need earmark reform, and when I'm President, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.

People will never stop having kids, and people will never stop spending money on them to make sure they're safe, healthy, and educated.

I didn't come from a wealthy family. My dad told us if we wanted spending money, we had to earn it. So I developed an early work ethic.

That's why we don't give the government extra money as conservatives because government generally stinks at spending money. That's why!

The idea of recklessly spending money - even though it sounds like it's lots of fun, it's fashion - isn't interesting to me. It is a business.

Sleeping in my office isn't very comfortable, but it's my choice to save for my daughter's college instead of spending money on a D.C. apartment.

During the season... fun, to me, is getting sacks, making tackles and winning games. It's not spending money, girls, or, you know, this and that.

They spend an awful lot of money on I-don't-know-what in Hollywood movies; I certainly didn't get any of it. But they sure do love spending money.

The American people are tired of the out-of-control spending, and they want Washington to get their act in order and stop spending money we don't have.

I'm not going to run around uselessly spending money. It's a matter of choosing your charity. Some people choose themselves. For me, that is not enough.

I pretty much lived movie to movie in my younger years because I loved spending money, and I didn't really have a concept of 'assets,' but as I got a little older, I bought art.

When you're a music celebrity, your fans are used to spending money on you. They go to your shows. They want to look like you. They want to be like you. You become part of their life.

As I have traveled throughout my Congressional district, the one thing I heard loud and clear was simply please stop spending money you do not have, rein in spending, live within a budget.

You hear a lot of rap songs about spending money. I thought, wouldn't it be funny to make a song about saving money because it's ironic, but beyond irony, I genuinely have pride in saving money.

Perhaps the CDC should quit spending money on things like jazzercise, urban gardening, and massage therapy and direct that money to where it's appropriate in protecting the health of the American people.

We do not have a revenue problem in D.C. or this county. We have a prioritization problem. When you create the priorities you fund the priorities of the country and you stop spending money when you get to zero.

In America, it has been proven that the bulk of spending money is in the hands of women between 60 and 80, so it's so stupid. The people who do have the time and money to shop are either retired or empty-nesters.

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