I'm the Steven Spielberg of Malibu.

Steven Spielberg was my childhood hero.

I had Steven Spielberg on my radio show.

I consumed Spielberg movies when I was little.

Steven Spielberg is a talented, wonderful filmmaker.

I knew I wanted to be the Steven Spielberg of dance.

I grew up watching Steven Spielberg and scary movies.

Well, you don't make any demands to Steven Spielberg.

Steven Spielberg and I have tremendous amounts of money.

I'm just glad I got to work with the likes of Spielberg.

I work with people like Spielberg and Abrams all the time.

I was lucky enough to work a little bit with Steven Spielberg.

I think Spielberg is a master. I think 'Jaws' invented a genre.

I don't know if I wanted to be Spielberg; I would never say that.

I really want to work with Hugh Jackman and also Steven Spielberg.

For me, I'm not Spielberg. I can't edit while filming another film.

I feel that 'Rudraksh' is Mani Shankar's answer to Steven Spielberg.

I'm a 'Star Wars' kid. I'm a 'Back to the Future' kid. I'm a Spielberg kid.

Steven Spielberg was a huge part of my childhood, like everyone's, I guess.

I was working with Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg when I was nine years old.

When Steven Spielberg comes calling, it behooves you to seriously consider it.

I'm not a huge Steven Spielberg nerd, but I know about him and I know of his work.

Spielberg knows his craft so well, he can also improvise, and that is a lot of fun.

I grew up on Spielberg and Lucas. That was sort of what inspired me to make movies.

I'd love to work with the Coen brothers. And Steven Spielberg. 'E.T.' was big for me.

I loved being in Close Encounters, just to watch Steven Spielberg working was exciting.

You've got to feel a little nervous when you first meet Spielberg. The guy's an apparition.

The first person to make me realize there was someone behind the film was Steven Spielberg.

'Ready Player One' is an actor's dream, so - I mean, to work with Spielberg is - everything.

I would love to see Steven Spielberg working. I just think he's the greatest living director.

I went from working with Spielberg to working with Clint Eastwood - I might as well just retire.

I met two of my movie heroes. I met Tom Hanks, and I met Steven Spielberg. Oh and Quentin Tarantino.

I don't think 'Jurassic Park' could have been so much fun had Spielberg not made a 'Schindler's List.'

The only person who can, with impunity, make the movie he wants to make, has got to be Steven Spielberg.

I'd seen all of John Hughes's movies. All the Spielberg stuff. A bunch of '80s horror, like 'Evil Dead.'

I got a note from the stage manager one night that someone wanted to meet me. And it was Steven Spielberg.

I worked with Steven Spielberg on Amistad... he seemed so very secure in himself that he let me do things.

Retaining a child-like sense of wonder is a boon for creative types like Steven Spielberg and J. K. Rowling.

When Steven Spielberg comes to you and says, 'Hey do you want to write a movie about robots?' You just say yes.

When I got on the set of 'Saving Private Ryan,' I discovered, to my amazement, that Steven Spielberg is a gamer.

I've always loved action movies. The first films I fell in love with were 'Star Wars' and Steven Spielberg films.

Spielberg, like many others, wants to convince before he discusses. In that, there is something very totalitarian.

I don't want to be the Asian filmmaker; I just want to be a filmmaker. I want to be Spielberg. I want to be Tim Burton.

'E.T.' depended absolutely on the concept of cinema, and I think that Steven Spielberg, who I'm very fond of, is a genius.

I really liked 'Super 8'. If Steven Spielberg is an executive producer of anything, you know that it's going to be amazing!

When Steven Spielberg thinks you're the one, then I'll do anything. If you want me to put a dead horse on my head, I'll do it.

The influence of Steven Spielberg to my career is unquantifiable. Every day on the set with him is a master class in filmmaking.

But I'm more interested in why people are frightened by Jaws and why Jaws was such a hit than saying Spielberg's my main influence.

Spielberg gave us three takes before saying anything to us. Since then, I do that, three takes, to let the actors find their rhythm.

In Hollywood, the system is so streamlined, the administration is in place. That's why every six months Spielberg is able to make a film.

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