A lot of guys just can't handle the spotlight and the pressure, so they shy away from it, like 'oh, I don't want to be in it.' That's never me.

'Shameless' was such a weird time in my life because I never really experienced any kind of role that put me that much in the spotlight before.

I used to be super self-conscious about my height. I mean, going everywhere and someone just looking at you - you're never not in the spotlight.

I avoided the spotlight when I was a kid. I always knew, 'Hey, it wasn't me. I didn't do anything.' If there was a camera around, I hid from it.

I wanted to be a ballerina so badly. You can be seen and take over the spotlight without speaking. I had a fear of speaking in public back then.

There is a time and place for being in the limelight. As far as being away from the spotlight, well, a certain air of exclusivity is always good.

Because our father played professional soccer, being in the spotlight never felt weird to me and my brother. We always felt we could do anything.

I think it's definitely hard for the people who just out of nowhere come in and they do really well and all of the sudden the spotlight is on them.

While swimming was always a spotlight sport, I was, if you will, sort of present at the creation when gymnastics became the new star lead-off hitter.

I've got used to being on 'The Chase' and keeping nice and calm and that feels like comfort now compared to being in the spotlight and being on stage.

It's really fun to have the spotlight and feel ready for it. Not in a conceited way. But just like, 'Man, I think I'm going to give you what you need.'

NBA, that's the biggest spotlight I've ever been in before. It was crazy at first. I just had to take a step back. Get back to what I know: having fun.

The Occupy Wall Street protests are shining a national spotlight on the most powerful, dangerous and secretive economic and political force in America.

I always keep in mind that being Twice, we will of course be in the spotlight, but that attention is amazing because it means people are supporting us.

If writers possess a common temperament, it's that they tend to be shy egomaniacs; publicity is the spotlight they suffer for the recognition they crave.

When I am not on the stage, it is always very difficult for the public to find me! I am a private person who does not always want to be in the spotlight!

Let's pursue a walk with God so close that the spotlights of this world-be they for us or against us-are eclipsed by His enormous shadow cast on our path.

I love the simple poetry of theater, where you can stand in a spotlight on a stage and wrap a coat around you, and say, 'It was 1860 and it was winter...'

When I played, I never needed the spotlight, nor did I want it. I simply wanted to play baseball and be respected by my teammates and the opposing players.

Everyone for the most part is really nice. There have always been jokes, but that's part of being in the spotlight. You can't make everyone completely happy.

You're either humble or you're not. If you were a jerk before the fame, you just become a jerk with a bigger spotlight. Whoever you are really comes through.

There's just nothing like sharing the spotlight or anything else with your sisters and your mom. It's always fun for me to get my sisters dolled up and my mom.

I'm the type of person that, when it's my time in the spotlight, I'll do my duty in the spotlight. When it's not, and it's another person's time, I'll go away.

Part of my role and part of my job is to shine a spotlight on issues that need that spotlight, whether it's people, whether it's causes, issues, whatever it is.

I'm just Keith Thurman, and I just enjoy being the person that I am. I enjoy some of the spotlight, but there are moments where it can be a little overwhelming.

I use the term 'spine' for people when I think that they may seem on the surface sort of reticent, shy, self-deprecating, shying away from the spotlight. Quiet.

I have a full life off the road. I was never in it just for the money or the career. That's why I'm comfortable with myself. I know who I am out of the spotlight.

Because I'm so much in the spotlight, people lose sight of why I'm in the industry. In fact, I'm doing all this because I love to act. I love to perform, to sing.

In the same way that a film director would use a film lens to blur out a certain item or use a spotlight, I use certain movements that draw the eye instinctually.

I would not say it was tough doing an intimate scene, however it was challenging to play Sana in 'Spotlight' as she is a versatile character with different shades.

Out there in the spotlight you're a million miles away and every ounce of energy you try to give away as the sweat pours out your body like the music that you play.

My personal life is in the spotlight, but people say what they want to say. The truth isn't in the spotlight, I should say. I'm in the spotlight, but not the truth.

The British tend to shy away from the spotlight. We don't like being singled out in any way, and I think that is something which is important for me to learn to do.

Some people love being onstage and really open up, and I'm sort of the opposite of that. I don't crave the spotlight. I'm still not comfortable even talking onstage.

Andrew Lloyd Webber is one of those odd moth-like creatures who seem to combine extreme discomfort with the spotlight with an unstoppable compulsion to leap into it.

They were all dressed in their finest as though life really were some magical stage play in which every moment ought to be illuminated with its own bright spotlight.

When you do things wrong, even a couple of mistakes, the press has the right to criticise. Much more so when you're a goalkeeper - who remain in the spotlight forever.

It comes with it, this is my work and all the media thing is just a big bonus for me. I'm just enjoying being in the spotlight right now so it's not a big deal for me.

In no relationship at the top of any walk of life is it always easy, least of all in politics which matters so much and which is conducted in such a piercing spotlight.

As a person in the public eye, I have always felt that if I have the good fortune of being able to shed a spotlight on different causes that I feel passionately about...

From a very young age people have been touting me as a world champion. So it can be tough, playing in the spotlight and people expecting big things from you all the time.

I felt totally released from the need to make it as an actress. I had experienced complete fulfillment in something that had nothing to do with me being in the spotlight.

I can only speak for myself, but growing up in the spotlight is not easy at all... but at some stage you have to accept that and realise that it comes with the territory.

People have to be sensitive to - I hate using the word 'celebrities' - people in the spotlight. Because there's so much more than what you see on the cover of a magazine.

Being in the spotlight, you know, you tend to kind of forget who you are. And being an artist... it could be a very superficial job. It could be very pretentious as well.

I love hearing my song on the radio the first time, but when it comes on again, I change the station. I already have so much of the spotlight on me. I don't need any more.

You know when everyone's watching, your mom and dad, your friends in high school who thought they were better than you. You get your chance to get in the spotlight and shine.

I only want to work with transparent ideas and accessible technologies that 'spotlight' the individual's role in society through creativity. I try to live an open-source life.

I've discovered myself a little more, personality-wise just being put through certain situations, whether being in the spotlight, heartbreak, friends coming and going, family.

There's nothing wrong with fame, but to seek out the spotlight just to be on TV for the sake of being on TV, and to put your children on there, I think, is especially disgusting.

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