For better or worse, when you're running for mayor, there's a little bit of a spotlight on you.

Some people want the attention, some people want the spotlight, and that just wasn't it for me.

I ran spotlight. Swept up. Did box office. Ran the lighting board. But acting was the most fun.

Some people are willing to betray years of friendship just to get a little bit of the spotlight.

My characters are always on the outside; the spotlight's not on them. But they do get somewhere.

I know from growing up in the spotlight, as it were, that the most important thing is your family.

Dance+ is a platform for Indian talent that puts a spotlight on pure, superlative, unique dancing.

The spotlight will always be on me, but it's something I'm learning to live with as the years go by.

The spotlight is something that I don't think is disturbing to me. It doesn't disturb me whatsoever.

Being at the first post-Weinstein Oscars was amazing. It felt like there's a spotlight on diversity.

If the media spotlight affects my work or represses what I want to say in the future, then it is bad.

I'm not a guy who needs the spotlight. It's not something I have to have. I'm content to sit at home.

Even when it's midnight, people are watching you. It's difficult to be in the spotlight all the time.

I spent years shaking the damage that comes with being burned by living near someone else's spotlight.

I think [the spotlight] is a lonely place to be. Everybodys wanting something from you, pulling at you.

I don't want to be in the spotlight so bad that I'm going to sell my soul, or sell my creativity short.

Whatever is going on in the news and whoever is in the spotlight is up for grabs and fodder for satire.

There is always pressure playing cornerback. It's just a position where you're always in the spotlight.

The red-carpet spotlight is a little bit more nerve-racking when you haven't been doing it all the time.

At least we got to see the worst haircut since 1984 try to steal the spotlight from lovely Taylor Swift.

I'm not shy in the spotlight. I might seem austere and even arrogant, but far from it, I'm actually shy.

I'm just not one of those naturally funny, relaxed actors who enjoy the spotlight and are so good at it.

I loved entertainment and acting, performing. I just liked the stage and having the spotlight and stuff.

Where I once found it safer to stay in the background... I've stepped from the shadows into the spotlight.

I don't really look for the spotlight, I don't look for any of that stuff. I just want to play basketball.

I'm facing upstage, with my back to the audience, and the spotlight comes up on my back as I start singing.

But I think, if you're in the spotlight, people are going to say bad things, and that's just the way it is.

I love my work, but I don't like being in the spotlight. I was never going to be an actor, that's for sure.

I always try to shine the spotlight on what's happening on the field and not what's coming out of my mouth.

Untested assumptions and lazy habits of thought can be shown up, once put in a spotlight of a different hue.

I don't think Michael had to retire for us to get the spotlight, because when you win, it commands attention.

Being in the public eye and basically growing up in the spotlight, we are always responsible for our actions.

When you're in the spotlight, people want to dissect you and then put you back together the way they want you.

I don't care whether I'm in the spotlight, not in the spotlight. That's not gonna stop me from doing anything.

I like to be in the spotlight once in a while, and then I like to be in the shadows. It's really regenerating.

I have chosen to continue to promote 'we're one, the oneness of us,' and shine the spotlight, as my father did.

I just think Cam Newton is a guy who doesn't get overwhelmed by the moment. He seems to thrive in the spotlight.

I think at WrestleMania you definitely want a singles match and not have to share the spotlight with other guys.

It is your duty to examine the conduct of public figures and to place them in the spotlight - that is your duty.

I don't really live my life in the media spotlight. People don't know that much really about me or what I think.

With United the spotlight is always on and there's always going to be that pressure, no matter what the game is.

When I was younger, I actually wanted to be in the spotlight. To have people want me, want to have a piece of me.

Between 2014 and 2016, I was just, like, extremely sad. Like, really, really just not able to be in the spotlight.

I definitely would like to run my own businesses by the time I'm 27, maybe, and then come away from the spotlight.

There comes a time when even icons, if they choose to do so, should be allowed to enjoy life out of the spotlight.

At first you can stand the spotlight in your eyes. Then it blinds you. Others can see you, but you cannot see them.

It is delicate being my age and trying to do all the regular teenager stuff, and then having that in the spotlight.

I've passed up opportunities. I've avoided the spotlight. I've never been to Academy Awards, didn't relate to them.

[Hillary Clinton] really wants to be president. She wanted to be president in '08. She's hardly left the spotlight.

One wrong move by a star kid and it immediately comes under the spotlight - even blown out of proportion, at times.

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