The lifestyle I lead as a footballer means I am always in the spotlight.

The first time I went out under the spotlight, I was proper freaked out.

Stepping out of the spotlight when it's prudent to do so is a good thing.

One thing modeling taught me is that the spotlight can change everything.

Growing up in any sort of spotlight is difficult. Everything is magnified.

I don't have anything to hide, but prefer to shine the spotlight on others.

A famous love story is hard to maintain when you both live in the spotlight.

I have paid for things that I had done because I have been in the spotlight.

There's a lot of instant spotlight and pressure when it comes to a Bond song.

There's a lot of spotlight that comes along with being the best in the world.

I grew up craving the spotlight, and once it happened, I immediately recoiled.

If a dishonest creep wants to tap dance, give them the spotlight and a mirror.

I love playing in the spotlight... I feel like that's motivation for everyone.

I have never been wired to be front and centre of spotlight and ready to dance.

I've never really been worried about being in the spotlight. I could care less.

I always had the sense of being in the spotlight, being on stage, being looked at.

Coming back to the UFC was huge. I was ready for the spotlight for the first time.

I dont care if youre Britney freakin Spears, nobody is going to steal my spotlight!

It's pretty refreshing to be in a situation where the spotlight is on someone else.

As people get older and fall out of the spotlight, people's memory of them changes.

I've been careful, too careful maybe, about trying to not keep the spotlight on me.

I don't like to be in the spotlight. I like to just chill and observe other people.

I'd love the chance to learn ballroom dances, but it's scary to be in the spotlight.

My mother did a tremendous job of raising four children in Ottawa under a spotlight.

I grew up in a very loud and dramatic household, and we loved being in the spotlight.

I don't want to be in the spotlight, ever! I don't know why I got in this profession!

I was someone's younger sibling and I finally have my own voice and my own spotlight.

I've been a spy for almost all of my adult life - I don't like being in the spotlight.

When you focus the spotlight so much on one person, I think it's very, very dangerous.

If I can just live further from the spotlight I think that'll be better for all really.

You're not only the spotlight in which you perform, but the shadows where you practice.

I get bashful in the spotlight. Even at home or at a birthday party, I hate that stuff.

Any additional spotlight you can put onto an opening of a film is a great thing to get.

I'm not a guy who wants to push himself into the spotlight or stand out from the crowd.

I was not naturally meant to be on stage. I hated being in the spotlight; I was scared.

I do have a couple of pets, but I am determined to keep them out of the media spotlight.

The more success you have, the more attention and the more spotlight comes to your name.

I want to shine a spotlight on showing how dangerous Trump and his Twitter button can be.

When you're a queer person put in the spotlight, you're supposed to have all the answers.

Certain celebs manage to worm their way out of the spotlight, and I won't stand for that.

I don't mind who takes the spotlight. If you win the game, then it doesn't really matter.

The style of direction in 'Room,' maybe a little bit like 'Spotlight,' tries to be hidden.

What happens when your dream comes true - when the spotlight is on and then it moves away?

I have a direct line with Obama. It's a crucial link. And I can put Spain in the spotlight.

More people will watch 'Spotlight' than will ever read the 'Globe' series that inspired it.

I just don't like politics. My rule is if I can put a spotlight on something, I'll do that.

I prefer to be out of the spotlight, to be honest. I've always been that kind of personality.

I don't live with earplugs. I don't like the spotlight - but I like overhearing conversations.

After thirty years of being 'the camel lady,' believe me: One becomes inured to the spotlight.

I have never hid my spiritual roots. They just weren't something that came under the spotlight.

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