Stella McCartney is [my] big fan.

My favorite book of all time is Cold Comfort Farm, by Stella Gibbons.

I was trained by Stella Adler for theater so you kind of give it all on every take.

I went to acting school in New York City for two years. I studied with Stella Adler.

I've been a big fan of Michael Showalter's for a long time. I watched 'Stella' growing up.

I did 'Midnight's Children' and 'Cooking with Stella' when I was at the peak of my career.

Each time I spend with Stella McCartney, I like her better. So I was excited to be asked by her.

My favorite acting books are Stella Adler's 'The Art of Acting' and 'Sanford Meisner on Acting.'

I'm married. My wife, Stella - a beautiful woman. She's brought a lot of peace to my life, a lot of wisdom.

I think Stella Tennant is amazing. And then I really loved all those 60s society models, like Edie Sedgwick.

I think Stella Tennant is amazing. And then I really loved all those '60s society models, like Edie Sedgwick.

I like Stella [McCartney] a lot - she's a very open and warm person. I don't particularly want to know about her background.

Stella McCartney is just the coolest show to do. I love the collection. I love the setting. All of her stuff always feels so fresh.

I have a Stella McCartney Adidas sports bra. I feel like I'm totally comfortable running. No problem. I have support where I need it.

I've always been a huge admirer and lover of Alexander McQueen, Alexander Wang. I love so many British designers like Stella McCartney.

When I was 15, 16, I studied with Stella Adler at the Conservatory of Acting, then I stopped again and went to the Actors Studio when I was 18.

My favourite designers are Stella McCartney, Balenciaga, Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel and Givenchy, but I wish I had loads of money to spend on them.

I just remember Stella Tenant and me dancing in Donatella Versace's bathtub until like four in the morning. It was one of those 'pinch me' moments.

I love Stella McCartney because she's timeless and classic, and I love Isabel Marant for wearability - you don't need 'an occasion' for her clothes.

I grew up in New York, in the Village, and I started going to Stella Adler pretty young. I was 13 or 14 years old. But I was also really shy when I was growing up.

I think it's entirely possible to have a career in fashion and raise a child. Stella McCartney is on her fourth child and remains both a fashion icon and a great mom.

I was a student of Stella Adler and then later Lee Strasberg, and they were into sensory work. At its best, acting is not about words - even when the words are important.

People who don't know how old I am can cast me as the woman in 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' and can cast me as Stella in 'Streetcar Named Desire,' and they are miles apart.

I'm an actor. I was trained by Stella Adler, one of the greatest teachers of the world. I was 19 years old, and she frightened me to death. I was her houseboy for a while.

I'm very passionate about my two Dobermans, Stella and Mr Jonty. I go on and on and on about them, and people have to tell me to shut up before I get out pictures of them.

I like Stella McCartney, Chloe, Alexander McQueen, Aaron Featherstone, normal Chanel if I can ever afford it, I'd be wearing that all the time! I like to admire from afar.

I wanted the collection for Target to reinterpret all the must-haves of Stella McCartney for winter and to make my designs more accessible to a wider audience in Australia.

Once I really started to understand Frank Stella's work and follow it, there's a certain type of invention and playfulness and extreme rigor with which he kept going forward.

Then I heard this genius teacher Stella Adler - I recommend you read anything you might find about her and if you have anyone interested in theatre, you get them one of her books.

I don't have a favourite designer because I feel every designer offers something different and special, but I do really like Alexander Wang, Burberry, Stella McCartney and Balmain.

Of course, in later years, I'd studied acting more than ever before - mostly with the late Stella Adler, who was marvelous! - but in my earlier years, I couldn't afford to do this.

I bought a Stella McCartney jacket in Salt Lake City. It's nice. It looks like a pea coat. I love Stella's stuff, so wherever I go in the world, I will always go in and buy her stuff.

With my first, I gained 40 pounds; in the second, I gained 35, and with Stella, I gained 25. My thing is to get most of your weight off, or at least get into good eating habits and exercise routinely, the sooner the better.

Stella McCartney, not only is she a designer, she is a mother of four, and she lives for practicality. She understands what a woman needs to wear to work and what a woman needs to wear when it's time to go out and put on the Ritz!

My fragrance is rose and amber, and I was just very specific. A lot of what I've done, at the stages I've done it, I've been a little naive, which brought with it a kind of charm. I did Stella a while ago. It's now a bit of a classic.

I have a background in theater. At the time I read 'The Loved Ones' script, I was playing Catherine the Great of Russia onstage. Straight after that, I played Stella in 'A Streetcar Named Desire' and Isabella in 'Measure for Measure.'

Wearing a bold print gets harder as you get older. It's safer to stick to subtle prints or block colours. I have always found prints quite tricky. My daughter Carly, who is on the design team at Stella McCartney, is obsessed with them.

I love the name 'Stella McCartney.' It's a beautiful name the way it rolls off the tongue. A couple of years ago, I wrote a cello concerto and used that as the basis for the rhythmic and melodic structure of the main motif of the cello part.

When I get home, I'm not the boss like I am at work - I slip into a more feminine role. I take everything off and put on my Stella McCartney silk robe. I'll put on a red lip or red nails, and it lifts my mood. Sexy underwear also gives you a spark.

I was studying with Stella Adler, who was a great, great teacher who encouraged me to be an actor. I had thought I would just write or direct or whatever. I wasn't thinking very much of Hollywood. I was thinking only of the legitimate theatre. But then I changed.

The cows in Stella Gibbons's immortal 'Cold Comfort Farm' are named Graceless, Aimless, Feckless and Pointless, and that more or less is the verdict on 'Ocean's Kingdom,' the wildly hyped and wildly uninteresting collaboration between Peter Martins and Paul McCartney.

I'm a fan of designers and clothes that look beautiful, but more importantly, make me feel beautiful and confident. It's why I've always loved Stella McCartney, and more recently, Prabal Gurung. Their pieces are cool, yet timeless, and the fits are effortlessly flattering.

I said, 'I'm going to the United States to study with Stella Adler and do movies because nobody here has done it and my passion is films.' But I came here and I didn't speak English, I didn't have a green card, I didn't know I had to have an agent, I couldn't drive, I was dyslexic.

Far from being dominated by ideas from Paris and New York, Latin American artists were often the innovators. They were doing drip paintings in advance of Pollock, creating language art before the American conceptualists, and fashioning shaped canvases decades before Kelly or Stella.

Every day I'd say I look different. Sometimes I look really formal, sometimes I love the classic Stella McCartney, Chloe Sevigny and Gwyneth Paltrow thing. Other days I like being rock star and wearing leather jackets and studs. I love wearing Burberry - it's the perfect combination of formal and punky.

We're all aware of the huge plastic crisis and the effect it's having on our planet. Fashion has a key role in that, but also there are ways we can deal with it. Stella McCartney is someone to look up to in that sense, she makes the bigger point in her collection that you can be sustainable and stylish.

There's benefits of having established artists on the record, Liam Payne on 'Polaroid' for example. If you look at that song you have Lennon Stella, who's an up-and-coming artist, so there's a balance on there because I still want people to focus on the song just as much as Liam being an amazing superstar.

It's a lot easier to gain traction when there is such a great proliferation of Internet access. The velocity at which some of these startups are gaining traction is mind-boggling. Companies like ShoeDazzle, Stella & Dot, Gilt, Groupon - these companies are going from zero to hundreds of millions in revenue in three years.

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