I'm the Steven Spielberg of Malibu.

Steven Spielberg was my childhood hero.

I had Steven Spielberg on my radio show.

Steven Spielberg is a talented, wonderful filmmaker.

I knew I wanted to be the Steven Spielberg of dance.

I grew up watching Steven Spielberg and scary movies.

Well, you don't make any demands to Steven Spielberg.

Steven Spielberg and I have tremendous amounts of money.

I was lucky enough to work a little bit with Steven Spielberg.

I really want to work with Hugh Jackman and also Steven Spielberg.

I feel that 'Rudraksh' is Mani Shankar's answer to Steven Spielberg.

Steven Spielberg was a huge part of my childhood, like everyone's, I guess.

I was working with Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg when I was nine years old.

When Steven Spielberg comes calling, it behooves you to seriously consider it.

I'm not a huge Steven Spielberg nerd, but I know about him and I know of his work.

I'd love to work with the Coen brothers. And Steven Spielberg. 'E.T.' was big for me.

I loved being in Close Encounters, just to watch Steven Spielberg working was exciting.

The first person to make me realize there was someone behind the film was Steven Spielberg.

I would love to see Steven Spielberg working. I just think he's the greatest living director.

I met two of my movie heroes. I met Tom Hanks, and I met Steven Spielberg. Oh and Quentin Tarantino.

The only person who can, with impunity, make the movie he wants to make, has got to be Steven Spielberg.

I got a note from the stage manager one night that someone wanted to meet me. And it was Steven Spielberg.

I worked with Steven Spielberg on Amistad... he seemed so very secure in himself that he let me do things.

Retaining a child-like sense of wonder is a boon for creative types like Steven Spielberg and J. K. Rowling.

When Steven Spielberg comes to you and says, 'Hey do you want to write a movie about robots?' You just say yes.

When I got on the set of 'Saving Private Ryan,' I discovered, to my amazement, that Steven Spielberg is a gamer.

I've always loved action movies. The first films I fell in love with were 'Star Wars' and Steven Spielberg films.

'E.T.' depended absolutely on the concept of cinema, and I think that Steven Spielberg, who I'm very fond of, is a genius.

I really liked 'Super 8'. If Steven Spielberg is an executive producer of anything, you know that it's going to be amazing!

When Steven Spielberg thinks you're the one, then I'll do anything. If you want me to put a dead horse on my head, I'll do it.

The influence of Steven Spielberg to my career is unquantifiable. Every day on the set with him is a master class in filmmaking.

Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg are men at the top of their game, and Jackson especially is going to change the nature of film-making.

I'd love to go to school and have a normal life, but I don't see any professor at Yale being able to teach me more than Steven Spielberg.

There is no such thing as too much rehearsal. When Daniel Day-Lewis told Steven Spielberg he needed a year for 'Lincoln,' I understand that.

If Steven Spielberg brought me a movie four hours long and said, 'It has to go out this way,' I guarantee you that's the way it would go out.

I've worked with Steven Spielberg three times. I'm proud to say that I'm one of those actors that continues to get hired by the same directors.

Steven Spielberg was my idol growing up. I knew that all of his movies have a very specific message and point of view, and the always are really epic.

Sitting at the table during Color Purple and looking up and suddenly realizing I was acting in front of Steven Spielberg, was pretty cool. It was pretty good.

My big break down here was working with Steven Spielberg in '1941.' It was a very small role, as Corporal Foley, who was part of the tank crew with Dan Aykroyd.

Fear may very well be a caveman fear of the predator, of the giant lizard chasing them - maybe that's what Steven Spielberg connects with so well in Lost World.

I can't wait to meet Steven Spielberg or Al Pacino again so I can say, 'I have to tell you how you know me. You know me because I am the worst actor in the world.'

My novella, 'The Lucky One,' is inspired in part by my dad and also by a Holocaust survivor I interviewed for the Steven Spielberg Survivors of the Shoah Foundation.

The idea of working with Steven Spielberg was very attractive. He's such a master. He knows the language of the camera and of filmmaking, which gives him a great freedom.

The thing with Stephen King is that everyone dies, and everyone comes back to life. So you never know with his mind where things go. It's the same with Steven Spielberg, too.

I was 12 when I did 'Super 8,' and when Dakota was 12, she did 'War of the Worlds.' Steven Spielberg was involved with both movies, so we both worked with Steven when we were 12.

What always made me proud - almost blushing with pride - is that Francis Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg all told me that 'The Conformist' is their first modern influence.

Steven Spielberg had a tremendous influence on me through his early stuff. 'E.T.', 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' - 'Jaws,' I think, is one of the most beautifully directed films ever.

Growing up, I had the weird fantasy list: I wanted to be Alice Cooper, Steven Spielberg, and Stan Lee. You have to have almost psychotic drive, because you're going to have years of failure.

I can't impress people with the pedigree of obscure French filmmakers that got me into film. It was Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg. I really thought I wanted to make dumb action movies.

I'd love to do another 'Indiana Jones.' A character that has a history and a potential, kind of a rollicking good movie ride for the audience, Steven Spielberg as a director - what's not to like?

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