Every working mother struggles with the BlackBerry, knowing the boss can call.

The courageous struggle for a noble cause should be considered success itself.

Attacking or fleeing are part of the struggle; being paralysed by fear is not.

God forgive me everything!' she said, feeling the impossibility of struggling.

No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men.

We meet thus in kitsch with a reappropriation of the results of past struggles.

All the history of human life has been a struggle between wisdom and stupidity.

How base a thing it is when a man will struggle with necessity! We have to die.

Our goal: the Islamization of Muslims. Our methods: to believe and to struggle.

It is not life that's complicated, it's the struggle to guide and control life.

I try to find hope in struggle and resistance in small places as much as I can.

Photography has always been a struggle for me to take seriously as an art form.

As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve.

Our struggles are the short term lessons we learn to achieve long term success.

The struggle for your own character is the struggle for the nation's character.

We have now reached a turning point in the struggle between freedom and terror.

The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.

What was the point in satin and lace if it didn't make a man struggle to speak?

I believe in the necessity for struggle by people at the bottom of any society.

The challenge is to become part of the struggle, to make a positive difference.

What counts in sports is not the victory, but the magnificence of the struggle.

All life is a purposeful struggle, and your only choice is the choice of a goal.

Nothing should be permanent except struggle with the dark side within ourselves.

Very often the things we most desire come only after much patience and struggle.

I'm personally a nonbeliever, so I'm struggling with if we really need religion.

The struggle to be considered a grown-up begins, I believe, shortly after birth.

The most challenging thing for the spiritual seeker to do is to stop struggling.

Freedom may be the soul of humanity, but often you have to struggle to prove it.

We were striving and struggling not just for a dream ticket, but a dream team...

The struggle of what one likes and what one dislikes is the disease of the mind.

I choose this story above all others because it's a story I'm struggling to end.

I know for certain people I'm championing a struggle that they're going through.

No fight is harder than the struggle against the thing you want most to believe.

Where there is no history of struggle after an uprising, the living memory dies.

As equality increases, so does the number of people struggling for predominance.

The brain struggling to understand the brain is society trying to explain itself.

For me, my continuous struggle with every project is, "Is it better than 'Pink?'"

Success is less interesting than struggle. There is great pleasure in the effort.

I wanted to speak strongly about feminism in my life, since it's been a struggle.

The struggle of today is not altogether for today - it is for a vast future also.

I love clothes but it's a struggle for me to get out of jeans and a baggy jumper.

Out of all this struggle a good thing is going to grow. That makes it worthwhile.

To struggle and to understand. Never the last without the first. That is the law.

My biggest fear is becoming a parody of myself. That's something I struggle with.

Anywhere the struggle is great, the level of ingenuity and inventiveness is high.

History records no more gallant struggle than that of humanity against the truth.

There is nothing in this universe which is not in struggle to keep its existence!

To create a fully formed character full of life, struggle, and humanity is tough.

Unfortunate. Unfortunate. Sometimes people struggling for freedom lose their way.

The man whom God wills to slay in the struggle of life - he first individualizes.

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