My struggle is to bring 'life' in 'file'.

I liked performing, but not the struggle.

I learned that struggle was part of life.

The perpetual struggle for room and food.

There is no alternative to class struggle.

If you can't sell tickets you'll struggle.

Every inch of progress is won in struggle.

We all struggle in life at a certain point.

It's always a struggle growing up in Akron.

Success is never so interesting as struggle

If you stop struggling, then you stop life.

If there's no struggle, there's no progress.

Life is always struggle with eternal forces.

I was ashamed for people to see me struggle.

Struggle is nature's way of strengthening it

I always say, dare to struggle, dare to grin

Fastidious taste makes enjoyment a struggle.

O snail Climb Mount Fuji But slowly, slowly!

The struggle for freedom and justice is now.

The best way to guarantee a loss is to quit.

It's the struggle that makes you triumphant.

For mass struggles, nonviolence is essential.

The only tired I was, was tired of giving in.

Morality is nothing but a struggle for safety

I always say, dare to struggle, dare to grin.

The triumph can't be had without the struggle.

Struggle is the enemy, but weed is the remedy.

Healthy discontent is the prelude to progress.

A religious life is a struggle and not a hymn.

If there is no struggle, there is no progress.

Attaining even mediocrity is often a struggle.

The man who procrastinates struggles with ruin.

The virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize.

I think there can always be beauty in struggle.

Struggle is what it means to be alive and free.

The struggle alone pleases us, not the victory.

Mine is not a story to tell struggling writers.

Struggling is mandatory. Suffering is optional.

Writing is a struggle no matter what the genre.

There is scarcely any passion without struggle.

It is a fight and struggle to just be yourself.

The best wisdom comes from the hardest struggle.

Well, I think everyone struggles with self-love.

Change has to come for life to struggle forward.

Sometimes it's a struggle to live in the moment.

...people with nothing to declare carry the most.

There's no satisfaction without a struggle first.

Receive without conceit, release without struggle.

Readers pass vocaulary tests. Nonreaders struggle.

Take It From Me: Life's a Struggle but You Can Win

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