Struggling hard to achieve something is the most fun I get.

When we have public success we also have private struggles.

Without a sense of identity, there can be no real struggle.

It takes struggle, a goal and enthusiasm to make a champion.

Family life is a daily struggle to turn love into happiness.

The struggle to the top alone will make a human heart SWELL.

Art is form struggling to wake from the nightmare of nature.

This is a struggle between good and evil and we're the good?

If you want peace then you must struggle for social justice.

I think I'd struggle to get excited by synchronised swimming.

We struggle with the complexities and avoid the simplicities.

In struggling with misfortunes lies the true proof of virtue.

The people I admire most are those who struggle for everyone.

Art is a weapon in the struggle of ideas, the class struggle.

So, the struggle for equal educational opportunity continues.

I struggle with trying to be a good pastor of a large church.

I love being a struggling artist; it makes me feel very alive.

Victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats.

I do struggle with the fact that I don't have all the answers.

We all have struggles in life but we have to continue to fight

The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.

I was never a struggling actor, for which I feel very blessed.

Mutual aid is as much a law of animal life as mutual struggle.

My biggest struggle has been balancing where I give my energy.

Life it seems a struggle between what we think and what we see

Struggle to sketch the flow that already exists intact in mind.

Complacency is a continuous struggle that we all have to fight.

Humankind is made for uncertainty, struggle, choice and change.

...A long struggle lies in store for me in this field of color.

Chess is life in miniature. Chess is struggle, chess is battles

What I like is the journey, the year-round struggle to improve.

Give me silence, water, hope Give me struggle, iron, volcanoes.

When yellow lights struggle with blue shades in hairlike lines.

I've faced a lot of struggle and been a victim of backstabbing.

Work and struggle and never accept an evil that you can change.

Of Planets, struggling fierce towards heaven's free wilderness.

The world is larger and more beautiful than my little struggle.

To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.

much of gardening is a struggle against the fecundity of Nature.

At the root of every tantrum and power struggle are unmet needs.

Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out.

My big struggle is how people can not care, erase, not remember.

I’m going to be a happy idiot and struggle for the legal tender.

A cry-wanking scene is the struggle to live, in a single moment.

Change is hard and requires constant struggle and determination.

He does not struggle with anyone - thus no one can vanquish him.

Reason is the main resource of man in his struggle for survival.

In the struggle between yourself and the world second the world.

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.

Who struggles can fail. Who doesn't struggle has already failed!

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