I'm glad I've had to struggle. It's made me the artist I am now.

With every episode of struggle, there is a learning opportunity.

What we do battle with is so small, what battles us is so large.

It's pretty intense writing about my own life, my own struggles.

The depth of your struggle determines the height of your success.

I wanna kiss you. I couldn't care less about the team struggling.

The man who procrastinates is always struggling with misfortunes.

Don't struggle so much, the best things happen when not expected.

No smile is as beautiful as the one that struggles through tears.

After struggling for a long time I started to live out my dreams.

The fight life, that was easy. This is a battle I have every day.

There's always been an ongoing struggle between commerce and art.

We all have within us the ability to move from struggle to grace.

Art allows people a way to dream their way out of their struggle.

The game of life is worth playing, but the struggle is the prize.

Life in New York is a constant struggle to die of natural causes.

It is a struggle. But I don't mind. I will just keep fighting on.

There are always two forces warring against each other within us.

The people who pay the biggest price are those who are struggling.

I think there's only one interesting story... and that's struggle.

There's no other way but struggling, forging ahead to do the film.

The valor that struggles is better than the weakness that endures.

Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.

The struggle for morality never stays won. It's always in process.

I came out even with all the struggles I endured on Rikers Island.

Strength, both physical and spiritual, is the product of struggle!

His wings were failing, but he refused to fall without a struggle.

I'm so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self.

God is using my struggle. My struggle is the answer to the prayer.

Music gives voices to people struggling to come out of themselves.

Creativity is essentially a lonely art. An even lonelier struggle.

Be a warhorse for work and enjoy even the struggle against defeat.

Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for.

Only a struggle twists sentimentality and lust together into love.

... it was written I should be loyal to the nightmare of my choice.

If you struggle with sleep, you'll struggle with exercise and diet.

I am a woman with a calling for social struggle and public service.

It’s not the struggles that define you; it’s how you overcome them.

We're fighting internal struggles, I am the cancer for my own cure.

For there are many great deeds done in the small struggles of life.

If you forget you have to struggle for improvement you go backward.

We're caught, but we're not defeated. Long live the armed struggle!

Modern politics is, at bottom, a struggle not of men but of forces.

All art is a struggle to be, in a particular sort of way, virtuous.

For almost two months now I've been struggling away with no result.

The mere fact that you have obstacles to overcome is in your favor.

The women that inspire me to be honest are the women that struggle.

It's always a struggle to make things sound more or less brilliant.

Without a minimum of hope, we cannot so much as start the struggle.

I married at a tender age during my early stage and radio struggles.

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