I love '60s styles.

Styles make fights.

I love so many styles of music.

AJ Styles is the best in the world.

Obviously comedic styles do change.

I'm a Detroit player, they set styles.

I always write tons of different styles.

Fights are all about styles and matchups.

Certain styles of play take a bit longer.

There are so many different styles of yoga.

I think there's different parenting styles.

All styles are good except the tiresome kind.

I want to challenge myself, challenge my styles.

As everyone in boxing knows, styles makes fights.

Contrasting styles is always the most fun to watch.

Styles, like everything else, change. Style doesn't.

I love funky styles. Not preppy or rock, just funky!

I'm open to trying multiple different types of styles.

I always had an appreciation for diverse musical styles.

A. J. Styles is an incredible performer; very spectacular.

I'm not into trends, but more enduring classics and styles.

Everyone has different talents, different styles and talents.

I'm not a guy that shaves. I'm not a guy that styles my hair.

I tend to gravitate towards very simple, minimalistic styles.

Music and fashion have to have their own styles. It's a must.

I don't really see huge barriers between any styles of music.

We always push the boundaries on the styles we put on a record.

There were so many individual styles thirty or forty years ago.

Why can't I beat AJ Styles? I beat AJ Styles in the past before.

On the 'SmackDown' side, A.J. Styles really has been phenomenal.

I play different styles, and am very good at changing how I play.

I have a variety of styles. I don't stick to one particular style.

I just like being versatile, giving new styles and being creative.

Lovers come back. Styles come back. But time? It never comes back.

There is one Metallica. We have many styles, it's called Metallica.

We started Yes as a vehicle to develop everyone's individual styles.

I'm a fan of many different styles of classical and symphonic music.

We really want Harry Styles to sing one of the songs that we've got.

Changing writing styles is like an actor taking on a different part.

I train with whoever I can, all different sizes, shapes, and styles.

Hip-hop is a collage. It samples from all different styles of music.

You come away better at playing against different players and styles.

I love Harry Styles. He's one of the nicest people in the entire world.

I feel like I'm quite versatile. I want to do lots of different styles.

Everybody's got a different sense of humor. It's just different styles.

Young writers should definitely research the current sounds and styles.

I mix up all styles on my albums because that is what music is about now.

There are a lot of styles out there and, basically, people make a choice.

At any one time language is a kaleidoscope of styles, genres and dialects.

There are only two styles of portrait painting; the serious and the smirk.

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