Pay attention to the beauty surrounding you.

I observe the world and the people surrounding me.

Surrounding myself with beautiful women keeps me young.

Fame is a series of misunderstandings surrounding a name.

If you know Gucci Mane, controversy is always surrounding Gucci.

I feel bad looking at the politics surrounding a presidential election.

My secret is just surrounding myself with people who are a lot funnier than me.

I believe business has to do well and that the surrounding communities do well.

You want to go to where there's competition, with guys surrounding you every day.

We've heard some theories, but there is a lot of mystery surrounding my adoption.

The language surrounding cancer is not language I'm particularly comfortable with.

Tom Gores has been involved in the City of Detroit, not just the surrounding area.

Most recently my battle has been against AIDS and the discrimination surrounding it.

I realized what you could do in motion pictures by surrounding yourself with geniuses.

I guess I've always been attracted to secret societies and the mystery surrounding them.

I suppose I have been contending with issues surrounding my safety and security for years.

I think once you understand a language, you understand the culture surrounding it as well.

There is nothing private about delivering a child with doctors and nurses surrounding you.

The key concept is to open your ears. Music can be here and there, anywhere surrounding you.

India is such an attack on your senses and is unrivalled for the passion surrounding cricket.

When I look back on my childhood, my fondest memories are those surrounding the dinner table.

I have been intrigued by Catherine de Medici and the legends surrounding her for a long time.

As soon as you start listening to the gossip surrounding you, you just get dragged down by it.

The trouble with listening is that so much of what we hear is noise, surrounding us all the time.

I confess I take perverse delight as a theologian in the controversies surrounding postmodernism.

I'm drawing the gossip surrounding the celebrity, or the image the celebrity tries to push on us.

This kind of forgetting does not erase memory, it lays the emotion surrounding the memory to rest.

Any feeling that I was enriching my mind from those surrounding me was unfortunately rare with me.

I'm surrounding myself with people who want to do what I want to do, which is be a football player.

I had tumors on both ovaries, and the cancer had spread into my lymph nodes and surrounding tissues.

The greatest threat to any artist is surrounding themselves with people who love everything they do.

I like surrounding myself with people who think in sort of the timeframes I do, which is often longer.

I try to use and, furthermore, strive to focus on the actual facts surrounding and impacting any issue.

I must learn to adapt, or else I'll fall victim to the negative statistics surrounding retired athletes.

The sicker mother got, the stranger the people surrounding her became. I called them The Garland Freaks.

Part of keeping work and life in balance is surrounding yourself with people that have similar aspirations.

In the harsh and violent Middle East surrounding us, there is no mercy for the weak. Only the strong survive!

When you started looking at the life of Tolstoy, there was so much passion and anger and drama surrounding him.

I didn't really understand the concept of feminism until the media started to talk about it surrounding my name.

When you travel, try having an open mind, not just about the city that you're in but about the surrounding areas.

I visit India at least once a year, though surrounding the making of 'Midnight's Children' I was there a lot more.

Family, to me, is about surrounding yourself with loved ones and having them by your side, no matter what happens.

Romeo and Juliet were stunning and beautiful, but a lot of the other characters surrounding them were caricatures.

I worked on 'Game Of Thrones' for six years, so I'm very well equipped to handle hype surrounding television shows.

I spend a lot of time unpacking the pain surrounding my addiction - both my own and the pain I caused other people.

Humor can bring people under the tent. And a good joke can deflect some of the intensity surrounding a serious subject.

The whole circus surrounding Ed Burke, I knew immediately from my days as a federal prosecutor, was very, very serious.

The United States has dealt with the Middle East and surrounding regions for many decades in the context of the Cold War.

We ought to arrange calendars as we arrange art on our walls and ask: how does this task fit next to the surrounding ones?

I think I've been really good at surrounding myself with really talented people. I've picked the right coattails to ride on.

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