To live only for some future goal is shallow. It's the sides of the ...

To live only for some future goal is shallow. It's the sides of the mountain that sustain life, not the top.

Only he is successful in his business who makes that pursuit which ...

Only he is successful in his business who makes that pursuit which affords him the highest pleasure sustain him.

To sustain longevity, you have to evolve.

India needs to sustain its high growth rate.

All philosophy lies in two words, sustain and abstain.

I cannot sustain hate for longer than a couple of years.

Cricket is very simple... you play till you can sustain.

By itself, love is never enough to sustain a relationship.

But it's hard to sustain a successful acting career today.

I tell young actors to do anything that will sustain them.

Normal life cannot sustain revolutionary attitudes for long.

I can speak Hindi, but I can't sustain it over a whole movie.

But eradicating corruption is not enough to sustain a country.

Without an educated populace, democracy cannot sustain itself.

Religion is inwardly focused and driven only to sustain itself.

My nervous system is enfeebled, only work in oils can sustain me.

It's easy to fall in love, but it's a lot harder to sustain love.

Single-use wearables are tough to sustain from a user perspective.

Of course, success takes you where your character can't sustain you.

I'm not sure comics sustain mortgage, and the house, and three kids.

I have such a strong belief in women's ability to sustain each other.

No writer can really sustain two huge - I hate the word 'franchises.'

Human beings seek community, and permanent openness is hard to sustain.

Novels will remain my meat and potatoes, what sustain me imaginatively.

The clear-sighted do not rule the world, but they sustain and console it.

Once you climb to another level, you have to figure out how to sustain it.

The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk.

If you didn't have some sense of idealism, then what is there to sustain you?

You can't do everything I did for all those years and not sustain some injuries.

A story has to have several layers to sustain audience interest in each episode.

Religion which requires persecution to sustain, it is of the devil's propagation.

As a big user of public libraries, I deplore the cutbacks they have had to sustain.

We cannot sustain illegal immigration in perpetuity. It will not work for our country.

My faith and my beliefs sustain me through all of the craziness that this life brings.

I think it's real easy to be famous these days; it's not real easy to sustain success.

My music was my life, and it played a large part in my inability to sustain relationships.

We need a defense budget that's big enough to sustain an increase in the size of the Army.

To sustain your belief through situations that completely undermine it is quite something.

We only won our freedom because of our allies, and we can only sustain it because of them.

The future of our nation depends on our ability to produce food and fiber to sustain the world.

The only way to sustain a career is to be as prolific as you can be, and open to opportunities.

Unfortunately, there aren't enough interesting acting roles in New Zealand to sustain a career.

If I get a lucky win, it is difficult to sustain that over time, so we have to maintain a style.

If you can sustain a career over 40 years in this business, you've gotta consider yourself lucky.

I am a very basic person. I still believe marriage happens only once, and you have to sustain it.

You never really stop learning. You have to experiment and reinvent life to sustain your interest.

A Greek exit from the E.U. and the euro would mean the Greek economy would be difficult to sustain.

Reactionary movements can't sustain themselves unless they find something new to catch and burn on.

Musicians should understand that it is not just about creating one hit but to sustain it at the top.

If you have good gear and shoes, you can go for long runs and sustain yourself for a longer duration.

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