Racism is just the symptom, but the fight is economic.

The deficit is the symptom, but spending is the disease.

Drugs, were a symptom - they weren't the cause of anything.

Do what you do with love, and success is a natural symptom.

Corruption, the most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty.

A feel-good style can be a symptom of unawareness or lack of caring.

Frankly, earmarking is not the problem. It is a symptom of the problem.

The first symptom of love in a young man is timidity; in a girl boldness.

I really like to please people, and I think it's a symptom of being an only child.

The primary symptom of a controller is denial, that is I can't see its symptoms in myself.

The most powerful symptom of love is a tenderness which becomes at times almost insupportable.

The women's movement is just a symptom of basic changes in the economy that are favoring women.

If we had an immigration policy, sanctuary cities would not be the symptom that manifests itself.

War is not, in itself, a condition so much as the symptom of a condition - that of international anarchy.

I watched what method Nature might take, with intention of subduing the symptom by treading in her footsteps.

I think when people are abusing drugs it is probably a symptom of a bigger problem that they need to address.

Gamergate isn't the problem - it's a symptom of an industry that is deeply sexist and unable to understand it.

I think Gamergate is just a symptom of a disease: a $90 billion global industry that was built by men for men.

People have to see that there is a high degree of complexity about belonging to a gang. It's a symptom, not a problem.

The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects.

Trump is not the problem. He is the symptom of the problem where Americans no longer believe that the system works for them.

Another unsettling element in modern art is that common symptom of immaturity, the dread of doing what has been done before.

The awareness of the ambiguity of one's highest achievements (as well as one's deepest failures) is a definite symptom of maturity.

A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.

The goal is to reduce the size and scope of government spending, not to focus on the deficit. The deficit is the symptom of the disease.

I used to think that the feeling of alienation that I would have was just me, but I realise that it's also a symptom of the modern world.

The Sunni militants that make up ISIS are not the underlying problem in Syria and Iraq, but rather they are a symptom of other deeper problems.

A lot of the messed-up stuff that men inflict on women is kind of a symptom of the messed-up stuff that they should be dealing with themselves.

The habit of common and continuous speech is a symptom of mental deficiency. It proceeds from not knowing what is going on in other people's minds.

Relapse is very dangerous. However, relapse can be a symptom of the disease. Sometimes there are multiple relapses before you get sober and stay sober.

It's tempting, when confronted by political malfeasance, to become so absorbed with its symptom that we give too little attention to treating its cause.

Another symptom of progress toward the Singularity: ideas themselves should spread ever faster, and even the most radical will quickly become commonplace.

I would feel so guilty about lying that I would try to stress myself out and work up a headache so I wouldn't have the guilt of not having a bit of the symptom.

The function of intellect is to provide a means of modifying our reactions to the circumstances of life, so that we may secure pleasure, the symptom of welfare.

I think the fact that we, as writers, don't engage with resource-level questions is a symptom of our society where we just don't know where our stuff comes from.

Children love and want to be loved and they very much prefer the joy of accomplishment to the triumph of hateful failure. Do not mistake a child for his symptom.

The second stage set in ten or fifteen days after the bombing. Its first symptom was falling hair. Diarrhea and fever, which in some cases went as high as 106, came next.

Being funny is a symptom of what's underneath. You're pumping out all that energy because something else is going on inside you, some opposing force, something uncomfortable.

Donald Trump's rise is certainly a symptom of our fading virtue and faith, but ironically, he may well be our only hope for finding our way back to bolder expressions of them.

And it will fall out as in a complication of diseases, that by applying a remedy to one sore, you will provoke another; and that which removes the one ill symptom produces others.

Famine is about so much more than food: it is about a famine of education, democracy, health, transport, and so many other items. The food famine becomes a symptom of that vast failure.

The decline of particle physics in the U.S. is really a symptom of the erratic and sometimes anti-scientific attitudes in Washington and the incompetence of Congress in managing science.

Leaks are not the problem; they are the symptom. They reveal a disconnect between what people want and need to know and what they actually do know. The greater the secrecy, the more likely a leak.

I see all this talk about jobs going overseas as a symptom of the absence of innovation. And the absence of innovation is a symptom of there being no major national priority to advance a frontier.

It is popular to call it a crisis of the Western world. It is in fact a crisis of the whole world. Communism, which claims to be a solution of the crisis, is itself a symptom and an irritant of the crisis.

Lazy doesn't exist. Lazy is a symptom of something else. The person who can't get up off their butt is just a person who's depressed. It's usually a pervasive lack of self-worth, or a feeling of helplessness.

I have long argued that ISIS and Assad are not separate problems to be chosen between, but are action and reaction, cause and symptom, chicken and egg: impossible to untangle no matter how much we might like to.

We humans have a tendency to see ourselves as completely different from other animals, and the way in which large segments of the public continue to reject the theory of evolution is just one symptom of that malaise.

Among the letters my readers write me, there is a certain category which is continuously growing, and which I see as a symptom of the increasing intellectualization of the relationship between readers and literature.

I burned out my drawing hand by using it too much. The common word for it is writer's cramp. The fancy words for it are focal dystonia. The symptom in my case was a pinky finger that went spastic when I tried to draw.

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