I was always shouted at by my teacher because I would draw straight on the table in the school.

Chopsticks box! I didn't know before and put them on the table and my Japan friends scolded me.

Be honest about who you are and what your bringing to the table and what your expectations are.

I want no criticism of America at my table. The Americans criticize themselves more than enough.

You know, you really can't beat a household commodity - the ketchup bottle on the kitchen table.

EWW. I'm at lunch, the woman at the table next to me is breast feeding her baby with no coverup.

I've never been to a dinner party where everyone at the dinner table didn't say something funny.

I am one who leaves the table like a man, without putting back the chair or picking up the plate

I really believe waiting tables, and service industry jobs in general, make you a better person.

It was exactly an assembly line. You could look into infinity down these rows of drawing tables.

As club captain all I want to do is help us get back up the table and into the Champions League.

As long as I don't have to go back to the catering hall and wait tables anymore, I'm very happy.

I love really simple colours at home - lots of cream, beige, and grey with rustic wooden tables.

My writing table has seen all my wretchedness, knows all my plans, has overheard all my thoughts.

We were a very small circle of writers. Everybody brought to the table their own life experience.

Therefore they should come to the table and reach an agreement that would protect their identity.

Stuart must have sensed my despair from the way I began lightly banging my forehead on the table.

You don't... get it, boy... This isn't a mudhole... it's an operating table. And I'm the surgeon.

You can't go to a negotiating table pointing a gun, but you've got to keep it over your shoulder.

Food is about being happy - at a table, thats probably where we spend most of our happiest hours.

Things it is not polite to discuss at the dinner table: politics, religion, and the walking dead.

I put food on the table and roof overhead. But I'd trade it all tomorrow for the highway instead.

Table talk and Lovers' talk equally elude the grasp; Lovers' talk is clouds, table talk is smoke.

World barista champions use the AeroPress to make coffee on the folding tray tables of airplanes.

My audience is often hands-up, standing and cheering and on tables and all of that kind of things.

I am invariably of the politics of the people at whose table I sit, or beneath whose roof I sleep.

I have a Damien Hirst spot painting which I love. It has pride of place over my dining-room table.

I waited tables in New York, and when you're in that line of work, you often have a horrible boss.

I like the club. It looks nice with all the tables out. They were freaking out, the Gilly's people.

I sleep with my gun on my bedside table. I live alone; it is my protection and makes me feel safer.

Mysticism is not this or that particular cup on the table; it is the water poured into all of them.

Sin thrives in the dungeon, but slap it on the table for all to see, and it withers rather quickly.

To eat at another's table is your ambition's height. [Lat., Bona summa putes, aliena vivere quadra.]

Both sides go the bargaining table holding cards quite close to the chest and bluffing like crazy, .

I am not interested in politics at all. At home, around the dinner table, we never discuss politics.

My first waitress job was at Johnny Rockets in New Jersey, and then I waited tables at a sports bar.

The bed is now as public as the dinner table and governed by the same rules of formal confrontation.

I hope that I am as broadminded as others, and you have always seen a decanter of wine on the table.

My parents were the traditional Filipino parents who didnt talk about money around the dinner table.

I have only been seeking to get them to the negotiating table and, thank God, that's where they are.

You'd never catch me dancing on tables in public. I have no desire to be known for my personal life.

‎"To Parlin's mind, nothing showed affection like a hunk of something dead and bleeding on the table.

I hope everybody will go back to the negotiating table. Ive always said this is the only way forward.

The dinner table is a lively debate, and everybody weighs in in a different way. I like that, though.

Is it really not possible to touch the gaming table without being instantly infected by superstition?

What could be more convincing, moreover, than the gesture of laying one's cards face up on the table?

We need choices of government, just like we have choices of tables or chairs or cell phones or coffee.

If a book has no index or good table of contents, it is very useful to make one as you are reading it.

My whole thing is I just always wanted to be a working actor and I just wanted to stop waiting tables.

When I've got nothing better to do, I look down the league table to see how Everton are getting along.

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