I love tap!

I tap dance.

I can tap dance a little bit.

I took tap classes growing up.

I would love to be able to tap dance.

I could have been a mediocre tap dancer.

I'm going to continue to tap until I can't move.

Point a light at me, and I'll start tap dancing.

I wanted to be a tap dancer when I was very young.

I was in the pilot for Spinal Tap before it was a movie.

There probably aren't a lot of actors my age who tap dance.

Merchants are eager to tap into the millennial Venmo shopper.

When I was 13, I was a member of a women's over-40s tap class.

Until I was in 6th grade, I took ballet, jazz, tap, and hip hop.

My tights split while I was tap dancing in the West End in 1993.

Making new products is an easy tap for a company in a recession.

I liked tap, because I liked hearing the results of my movements.

I was pretty much tap dancing for attention from a very early age.

I'd like to be able to tap with my action this low without buzzing.

I would love to do a comedy spoof, like a Spinal Tap kind of thing.

The best shows succeed because they tap into a national conversation.

The first rule to living in America is 'Stop tap dancing, you fool!'.

A lot of us have energy that we can tap into. We sell ourselves short.

I'm a pretty decent tap dancer. I enjoy all types of dancing, actually.

When people tap into this politics of resentment, it usually ends ugly.

I want to tap into everyone's senses, to touch on our human sensibility.

If I can make someone tap out with my ankle lock it would be Sasha Banks.

If you play a tune and a person don't tap their feet, don't play the tune.

We tap into something when we're honest about what's going on in our lives.

Tap is still the central driving force of my life. I think and talk in dance.

I think the best dramatic actors know how to tap into their character's humor.

I can never go to a clairvoyant. I'd be too afraid of what they might tap into.

With Loopt Star, consumers get to tap interactive rewards wherever they may be.

Tap dancing is something I love, and I've been working on it to get really good.

Filter from your tap, and if you do occasionally buy the bottles, please recycle.

There's a whole new generation who know about tap dancing thanks to 'Happy Feet.'

I started with ballet and then my cousin Sarah introduced me to her tap teachers.

I did ballet, tap, jazz, modern, I taught dance here in my hometown of St. Louis.

I'm thankful I am able to continue to share the joy and the inspiration tap brings.

I'm the kind of performer who gets lost on stage. I can tap into this soulful haze.

Everyone has a dormant wrestling character in them that is pretty easy to tap into.

Bro, how are you going to tap on the neck, on the choke? Go to sleep, man. Be a man.

We lived the life with Keith Moon. It was all Spinal Tap magnified a thousand times.

We all have a hidden mystic quality if we can learn and trust to tap into that power.

India is criss-crossed with the most elegant wells that tap into the shallow aquifer.

I'm trying to learn how to tap into the power of my own being. I know it sounds corny.

When I was about five, I started dancing - like, tap and ballet - in one little class.

I think vampires are a timeless powerful archetype that can tap into people's psyches.

It's so fun to play a villain. I get to tap into a side of myself I thought I never had.

That was Embassy Pictures, they went bankrupt shortly after This is Spinal Tap came out.

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