It's a team game.

Baseball is a team game.

Football is the total team game.

This is a team sport, a team game.

It's a team game, and you need to be flexible.

The thing about football, man - it's a team game.

As a QB, it's a team game, and you're all out there in it.

Sometimes in a team game, the entire spotlight is on one man.

My job is to improve the performance of the team game by game.

It's a team game. Not every game is going to be an all-star game.

My thing is, going into a game, it's a team game. It's just not me.

It's a team game. I feel happier when I pass the ball than when I score.

I've figured out that life in general is a team effort; it's a team game.

Football is a team game, and I just want to function as part of the team.

Cricket is a team game. No individual can just say he can win it on his own.

My coach... tells me not to focus on a knockout, and to follow the team game plan.

Cricket is a team game. If you want fame for yourself, go play an individual game.

I want everybody to enjoy success, because that's what football's about. It's a team game.

It is the entire team that has to work together. Football is a team game. We all have to give our all.

Basketball is a team game. But that doesn't mean all five players should have the same amount of shots.

Basketball is a team game. When you play 100 games in a season, you definitely need everyone to help out.

I think every film is like a team game, especially for me. I have always got films which have a strong cast.

A lot of players think the game is all about individual performances when it's really all about a team game.

It's a team game, but at the end of the day, you gotta be happy, and you gotta enjoy playing football every day.

I know it's a team game, but, you know, the great ones can do that - have their team involved and take over a game.

At the start of my career, I had a problem focusing for 90 minutes, but that's the advantage of football: it's a team game.

It is a team game, we all play for each other; obviously we win and lose as a team, but I like to take the blame when we lose.

Isn't cricket supposed to be a team sport? I feel people should decide first whether cricket is a team game or an individual sport.

Innovation at Apple has always been a team game. It has always been a case where you have a number of small groups working together.

It's a team game. Sometimes individuals play and sometimes not. I'm happy with what I have achieved and I hope I can accomplish even more.

There's times where I could take all the shots every time I touch the ball, but that's not me. I just play a team game and just take open shots.

Of course, I want to play every game but you have to accept rotations and understand that other players are in good form. Football's a team game.

It's a team game, but you've got to have individuals that really want the ball and want the pressure of being there to help get in a position to win.

We all need to chip in with goals and assists. It's not just the front three. It's not just the defence that keeps clean sheets, either. It's a team game.

I get a huge excitement from seeing the other guys cross the line. It really is a team game rugby, so if we are getting points on the board I am still very happy.

It ain't just one guy, it's a team game, and I'll get myself better, I'll keep working on my technique and trying to find ways to free myself and keep making plays.

This game we play is the ultimate total team game. Quarterback by himself isn't winning it. You got 11-12 coaches, you've got a lot of people that have a hand in it.

I'm not a person or a selfish player, but we have to move the ball more, and we have to look further the team game, because we have enough talent to use different players.

When you play hockey, it's a team game, and when I win, everyone around me is happy. I was able to make my teammates, the organization, my fans, happy 691 times during the regular season.

I grew without having a thing about the Ballon d'Or. When I was young, Ballon d'Or was also given to the European players. I didn't grow with this ambition. I think it's a personal trophy and football is a team game.

For me there is so many factors in football, that's why it's the greatest team game. There are so many things that lead into having success, just like when you have a ton of success and when you have no success, it's not just you.

I'm just playing basketball, the same way I have always played, from juniors and even back to middle school, I'm just doing it the same way. Nothing different. Just a team game, playing and having fun and trying to play the right way.

Politics has come to resemble a cynical team game played by politicians, while the public has been pushed aside as if sitting on the seats of a stadium in which passion for politics is gradually making room for blindness and desperation.

I do know it's great to have a support from a fan base of a team. Football is such a team game, such a team aspect to it... Good things happen, the praise is spread around; and bad things happen, usually it's not just one person's fault.

There are several insights at the heart of the A's system that I think are wonderful for baseball. One, that it's a team game. That no one player is going to make that much of a difference to your team, so for god's sake don't go blow a quarter of your budget on one guy.

Baseball is a team game but, at the same time, it's a very lonely game: unlike in soccer or basketball, where players roam around, in baseball everyone has their little plot of the field to tend. When the action comes to you, the spotlight is on you but no one can help you.

Players need to come in and not take the opportunity for granted and really work hard at the game and make sure it's a team game, it's not a selfish thing. If players have those qualities - they work hard, they're selfless, they put the team before them - I have no issues with them.

To compare writing an article for 'Sports Illustrated' to doing a piece for 'Real Sports', the article, it was all me. You know, I'm out there by myself with my pad and pencil. 'Real Sports,' I've got a producer, an assistant producer, and cameramen. It's an individual game versus a team game.

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