I like my teammates.

I play for my teammates.

My teammates are the best.

I owe a lot to my teammates.

I am one with all my teammates.

Not all teammates tell the truth.

I love being around my teammates.

I've had very supportive teammates.

My teammates, they keep you focused.

These guys are warriors, my teammates.

I enjoy making plays for my teammates.

I love my teammates. I love my coaches.

I am proud of every one of my teammates.

My teammates have my back; I have theirs.

I pick good big men as teammates, don't I?

My teammates are part of my family as well.

I loved Philadelphia. I loved my teammates.

I enjoy sacrificing myself for my teammates.

It was a challenge to my teammates to help me.

Respect for your teammates is important to us.

Man, I'm always going to back up my teammates.

It's always good to get back to your teammates.

It would be tough to fight any of my teammates.

I want my teammates to know I have their backs.

I have great teammates around me who make plays.

I've seen teammates who wanted to choke each other.

I'm really looking to facilitate, find my teammates.

My mentality is I have to be better for my teammates.

You play for your teammates; you play for each other.

I'm the kind of guy that I never forget my teammates.

Everton was a great club for me with great teammates.

My teammates and my coaches, I can't thank them enough.

I respected opponents as well as teammates and coaches.

I know my teammates got me, and they know I've got them.

I really don't like not being able to help my teammates.

It's exciting to play against old teammates, old friends.

When I do play I try to be the best to help my teammates.

I think my teammates make me look a lot better than I am.

The support I've gotten from my teammates has been great.

I just try to set good screens and get my teammates open.

Sometimes you play better with some teammates than others.

I play to have fun. I play to win. I play for my teammates.

I have great support from my family, friends and teammates.

I like knowing where my teammates are without having to look.

It feels good just to have my teammates behind me each night.

I'm all about having a good time and respecting my teammates.

With my teammates, I'm more open, funnier than people see me.

I like to dribble and give the decisive pass to my teammates.

If I can't score, I do whatever I can to support my teammates.

I love my teammates. I'm never going to try and let them down.

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