When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ...

When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?'

I'm tempted by rubbish food after wins.

If a girl is pretty she will be tempted.

The tempter or the tempted, who sins most?

Why resist temptation? There will always be more.

You will be tempted by the need to feed yourself.

I wasn't tempted to go into academia for a second.

I wasn't tempted to have my private parts decorated.

'Tis one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall.

Well, what was luck for if it was never to be tempted?

I've never been tempted by God but I like his trappings.

Sometimes America gets tempted by the glitz and glamour.

I love what I think, and I'm never tempted to believe it.

I've never been tempted to do these hideous furniture shoes.

People can so easily be tempted by slackness... and by money.

A lady could not boast of her chastity who was never tempted.

You tempt me. I can’t be tempted. I’m not made to be tempted.

You can't become tempted if you just give in a little quicker.

No temptation can ever be measured by the value of its object.

I get tempted to do a reality show because I enjoy them so much.

When I do have spare time to write, I'm tempted to spend it napping.

Inspiring visions rarely (I'm tempted to say never) include numbers.

The man who has never been tempted doesn't know how dishonest he is.

The next time you're tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead.

You are never tempted by a devil without you, but by a devil within you.

I was never tempted by the Premier League. It's simply a personal opinion.

If I won a second Olympic title, maybe I would be tempted to go after a third.

Politicians are often tempted to deploy history as a weapon against each other.

When tempted to do any thing in secret, ask yourself if you would do it in public.

Job displacement is so huge, I'm tempted to not talk about anything other than that.

When I hear somebody say 'Life is hard', I am always tempted to ask 'Compared to what?'

Tempted to type meaningless twaddle all the time on Twitter...with alliteration, no less!

The general tendency [is] to be censorious of the vices to which one has not been tempted.

People will always be tempted to wipe their feet on anything with 'welcome' written on it.

It's true that Tottenham tempted me because it was a young team which was third in the league.

If I'm left to my own devices, I will be tempted to make the most unlistenable music possible.

Restaurants serve huge portions on even huger platters, and people are tempted to eat too much.

The more one is absorbed in fighting evil, the less one is tempted to place the good in question.

No other aspect of filmmaking has tempted me to do a film other than the script and the story itself.

I don't think there are many jobs that would have tempted me away from Fulham, to be perfectly honest.

Letting the markets and seasons dictate my dinners means I never get bored or tempted to order takeout.

If someone has an ability to impress an audience there's a tendency to be tempted into doing just that.

The thought of going on tour with people like Toyah Wilcox is just appalling. I'm certainly not tempted.

... there are many to whom money has no personal appeal, but who can be tempted by the power it confers.

Managers that always promise to 'make the numbers' will at some point be tempted to make up the numbers.

Alcoholism is a complicated disease, and you never know when you'll be tempted to pick up another drink.

Many times we are tempted to defer to the documents we create, rather than the direct experiences we have.

When I read something saying I've not done anything as good as 'Catch-22' I'm tempted to reply, 'Who has?'

No man could be equipped for the presidency if he has never been tempted by one of the seven cardinal sins.

The one advantage of being dyslexic is that you are never tempted to look back and idealise your childhood.

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