I love you present tense.

The present tense made him nervous.

Tea is soothing. I wish to be tense.

Confidence is the present tense of hope.

It's always good to live in future tense.

Politics is history in the present tense.

Eddie became about one percent less tense.

Being nervous actually kept me very tense.

You can't look at a sleeping cat and be tense.

With Instagram, the focus is on the present tense.

I am the most tense, annoying person in the world.

I'm a tuning fork, tense and twanging all the time.

Who's not sat tense before his own heart's curtain.

Nothing is improbable until it moves into past tense.

A natural New Yorker is a native of the present tense.

Excellence is my presence. Never tense, never hesitant.

I find it hard to be joyful on screen because I'm so tense.

People tend to vote the present tense - not the subjective.

From my youth, I'd never stopped thinking in the future tense.

Tense and nervous are not the words, though they are the words

I'm always pretty tense about everything when it comes to work.

If you think negatively, it's hard to get out of tense moments.

In the '60s, '70s and '80s, everybody was pretty tense on the set.

I get irritated, nervous, very tense or stressed, but never bored.

Existence really is an imperfect tense that never becomes a present.

To talk to someone who does not listen is enough to tense the devil.

Great acting is all about being in the moment, being in the present tense.

It is very painful to talk about my dear friend Rishi Kapoor in 'past tense.'

Being a control freak makes us tense, stressed out, and unpleasant to be with.

In German, if a situation is tense, you say 'unter strom' - under electricity.

It's hard to wind down, but then I beat myself up because I have a tense back.

Loved. You can't use it in the past tense. Death does not stop that love at all.

The body is consuming energy when tense, and restoring energy when it is relaxed.

I practice staying calm all the time, beginning with situations that aren't tense.

It's always tense when you move a character from a book to the screen. Always tense.

If every song is in the past tense, that's a drag, so you have to predict the future.

I had worked with many actors who were angry at times and often found them to be tense.

You can't improvise if you are tense. Or thinking too much. You have to really let it go.

Rewrite your major goals every day, in the present tense, exactly as if they already existed

I'm not the first one to say it, but that time onstage is a heightened sense of present tense.

The shortest verse in the Bible is 'Jesus wept.' The only thing wrong with it is the past tense.

I'm a very anxious, nervy kind of loser in many ways, and I get very stressed and a little tense.

Americans are so tense and keyed up that it is impossible even to put them to sleep with a sermon.

Anyway, when I get sorta tense and start thinking about every shot, that's when my game falls apart.

'Rear Window' isn't really a horror film, but it is a psychological drama, which I love. It is very tense.

If I speak of Vienna it must be in the past tense, as a man speaks of a woman he has loved and who is dead.

We want 'McMafia' to be a tense gangster story but also a family story. It's a collusion of those two worlds.

We're in an age when everything's present tense. People don't know how to be still and surrender to the music.

It's great when you can challenge yourself against the top players in tense situations. I've always enjoyed it.

It's so difficult to write in motion and get rid of the past tense, and also to create a sense of impermanence.

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