You cannot have humane Zionism, it is a contradiction in terms.

I am at war with the living, I have come to terms with the dead.

I don't care when people use the term 'one-Slam wonder' with me.

I am defining leadership in terms of the role, not the position.

Acceptance, under someone else's terms, is worse than rejection.

We wanted peace and we wanted to come to terms with the Israelis.

I've never thought in terms of 'men do this' and 'women do that.'

All statements are true, if you are free to redefine their terms.

I have an issue with rage. I'm going to work that out, long term.

In terms of merchandise, you can't force anyone to buy something.

The sentence completes its signification only with its last term.

I think it is very sad that 'sitcom' has become a pejorative term.

But in the long term, I think it is improper to limit your future.

I guess the second-term team is not quite as adoring as the first.

I conceived in art college at the age of 20, near the end of term.

Boring' can be a lot of fun. Especially if it's on your own terms.

There are men who strike at liberty under the term licentiousness.

The term 'triage' normally means deciding who gets attention first.

The long term versus the short term argument is one used by losers.

The business of life is learning that you can't lay down the terms.

Hillary Clinton isn't that different from Obama in terms of policy.

Critics are notoriously liberal with their use of the term 'genius'.

Shambhala can be relevant in terms of what is going on in the world.

Hopefully one day I can be up there with Peyton in terms of history.

I don't worry about long-term history. I won't be around to read it.

People evaluate you in terms of how you handle things going forward.

"Country" has become a marketing term. I see myself as a songwriter.

In the long term, we want to become a band that everybody remembers.

I think in the long term, you make money with focusing on the sport.

I just do what everybody asks me to do, in terms of media and stuff.

When you're going off to Iraq, your horizons become more short term.

Ay, ay, the best terms will grow obsolete: damns have had their day.

Fighters are fighters. We got each others backs in terms of support.

The term "trash talk" is such an American thing. I still laugh at it.

The civil servant is primarily the master of the short-term solution.

After 'King of Monologues,' now I'm loving the term 'Bromantic Hero.'

A race is what zoologists term a variety or subdivision of a species.

Performance of duty and observance of morality are convertible terms.

Immortality is really desirable, I guess. In terms of images, anyway.

Promotions are a short-term solution with dreadful long-term effects.

I'd tried enough to know that anything long term wasn't going to work.

A myth is an image in terms of which we try to make sense of the world.

I never pump up my vulgarity. I wait for it to arrive in its own terms.

The most damaging aspect of contemporary living is short-term thinking.

I like the concept that if you’re with someone, it’s for the long term.

I am a feminist. I don't especially care for the term, but there it is.

I can't talk you in terms of time --your time and my time are different

Money and salary is not a particularly good motivator in the long term.

Everything is explicable in the terms of the behavior of a small child.

Anything that works well or has long-term success is never done quickly.

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