I've learned over and over that life happens on its own terms, not mine.

Left to ourselves we tend immediately to reduce God to manageable terms.

Everything understood by the term co-operation is in some sense an evil.

[Music is] so inspirational in terms of making me want to become better.

In its present terms, the global system values property over human life.

Long-term sustainable change happens if people discover their own power.

The one thing I always talk about in terms of restaurants is consistency.

The aim of mathematics is to explain as much as possible in simple terms.

The best leaders over the long term are those who have a sound home life.

Everything is always going through changes in terms of attitudes or mood.

The single greatest edge an investor can have is a long-term orientation.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

In this age of 24-7 headlines, the term 'newsweekly' seems almost quaint.

So, I don't work in terms of real time. I don't work in a timely fashion.

In obstetrics and gynecology, the term abortionist is still a dirty word.

The alternative to thinking in evolutionary terms is not to think at all.

Describe your product in terms of what it does not in terms of what it is.

I've only been in long-term relationships. I've never really dated myself.

I don't ever use my name for anything in terms of getting the music heard.

Metaphor is not, and never has been, a mere literary term. It is an event.

Creativity is a catchall term for a variety of distinct thought processes.

Whoever says Real Madrid are dead is always proved wrong in the long term.

Moriarty is arguably the most famous super-villain in terms of literature.

Governments, especially democratic ones, are short-term and nationalistic.

Formula one is very one-dimensional in terms of what we do in the cockpit.

Being best is a false goal, you have to measure success on your own terms.

Money is a short-term result that incentivizes short-term decision making.

The Canadian run can be no different, at least in terms of actual running.

I think, historically, the term 'Thatcherism' will be seen as a compliment.

Civil disobedience can never be in general terms, such as for independence.

The term 'sexual orientation'...is basically a code word for homosexuality.

I see people in terms of dialogue and I believe that people are their talk.

You cannot be friends upon any other terms than upon the terms of equality.

You can't say for certain what will happen to the weather in the long term.

I have never heard that referred to before, that term: Jewish men from Yale.

Reversing a proposition rearranges its terms, but still keeps out new terms.

Expression, to a great extent, is a matter of terms, and terms are anyone's.

I'll be a role model on my terms, but don't make a role model on your terms.

When I say 'friends,' I use that term loosely, as I don't actually have any.

Still how unenlightened and ignorant are the very nations we term civilized!

I would like, in the long term, to be recognized as a writer-director-actor.

Never define yourself in terms of how you are negatively affected by others.

Great leaders, like Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos, also focused on the long term.

If Roosevelt didn't have World War II, he never would have had a third term.

Great risks come in long term, tremendously assiduous, very courageous study.

The benefits of science are not to be reckoned only in terms of the physical.

I'm a multi-tasker. I was down with that stuff before they invented the term.

To talk about religion except in terms of human psychology is an irrelevance.

We need to keep this Labour government, it has a good chance of another term.

He is inexperienced, but he's experienced in terms of what he's been through.

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