A covenant is an agreement between God and man, an accord whose terms are set by God.

Never compromise your principles, even if it leads to difficulties in the short term.

I'd been staring at the search term for at least five minutes. One word. Necromancer.

Buddhists talk about nirvana in very much the same terms as monotheists describe God.

Focus on long term success but be willing to make short term adjustments to get there

The natural term of the affection of the human animal for its offspring is six years.

Capitalism believes that its remit is exclusively to make maximum short-term profits.

I don’t think Will Herondale and a sense of responsibility are even on speaking terms

The term bubble should indicate a price that no reasonable future outcome can justify.

The term 'lady' has been so misused, that I like better the old-fashioned term, woman.

The term 'genius' is inapplicable to anyone in this game. A genius is Norman Einstein.

I think 'community,' in the sense in which politicians use, it is largely a cant term.

Whatever the world dishes up, we take it on--not on our own terms, but on the world's.

The central bank needs to be able to make policy without short term political concerns.

Im attracted to the things that people throw away - the shadow goods, in Jungian terms.

If you want freedom you have to come to terms with being okay in the now doing nothing.

Any artist who respects himself ought to be, and in every sense of the term, an emigre.

The Portuguese and Galician term 'saudade' suggests a profoundly bittersweet nostalgia.

I hate the term 'work-life balance.' I think it's a setup, and it's trap for all of us.

If you're long-term oriented, customer interests and shareholder interests are aligned.

We hear the term independent contractors in Iraq. Independent contractors? Mercenaries!

As we get older, life becomes very complicated in terms of concessions we have to make.

I will make the final decision on running for governor after my congressional term ends.

The more power government has to provide things, the more power it has to dictate terms.

I'm perplexed, though, by your application of the term 'negative' to my figural imagery.

There is far less to the Presidency, in terms of essential activity, than meets the eye.

We, performers, work on willpower. This willpower works in a short term, not durational.

'Redeployment' is a military term. It means to transfer a unit from one area to another.

'Mad' is a term we use to describe a man who is obsessed with one idea and nothing else.

The duality of St Petersburg and Leningrad remains. They are not even on speaking terms.

If I get in a relationship, it's always for the long-term; if not, I don't see the point.

I'm not an academic type in term of personality. I had my share of madness as a teenager.

Atheism, a term which will, I'm sure, eventually become as unnecessary as round-earthism.

Jazz, for me, is a closed circuit, like the term baroque in the world of classical music.

That nonviolence which only an individual can use is not of much use in terms of society.

The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.

Murder is an offensive act. The term cannot be applied legitimately to any defensive act.

We must recognize that every nation determines its policies in terms of its own interests.

I think improvisation is really crucial in terms of making things feel real and authentic.

The biggest mistake we made at WordPress.com in term of infrastructure was buying servers.

I don't really like the term 'artist.' I'm not sure what it means. It's a bit like 'love.'

You don't have to keep looking at the future foreign policy in terms, simply, of the past.

'Prop trading' is just a fancy term for banks gambling in the market for their own profit.

What is cooking? 'Cooking' is a loose term. It's understanding energy or the lack thereof.

Very few men are fortunate enough to gain distinction during their first term in Congress.

Once I turned 35, I got the bonus of some wisdom and began to accept life on its own terms.

In terms of magnifying it and making it plausible, I'm a great believer in truth in comedy.

Michael Jackson fundamentally altered the terms of the debate about African American music.

The absorption of the individual in the universal is only another term for its destruction.

Everything that is usually understood by the term co-operation is, in some degree, an evil.

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