Don't think of yourself as a woman in business.

Every time I think of you, I always catch my breath.

Think of your problems as a gift – get out there and fix them.

I can never think of you as a friend. You can do without a friend.

I can’t think of you and myself apart. You and I are the same to me

The important thing is not to be defined by what others think of you.

Your ‘brand’ is what your customers think of you, not what you think of you.

The less people think of you, the more they will reveal to you or in your presence.

Just stand aside and watch yourself go by; Think of yourself as 'he' instead of 'I'.

Never let anyone know what you're thinking - always know what the other thinks of you.

How can you blame others for disrespecting you when you think of yourself as unworthy of respect?

Don't think of yourself as having a past, don't think of yourself as having a future. What's left?

You can't control how other people see you or think of you. But you have to be comfortable with that.

When I am sad and wearyWhen I think all hope has goneWhen I walk along High HolbornI think of you with nothing on

It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks of your life. All that matters is what you think of it, and what you decide to make of it.

Just think of yourself as starting from zero every time. That's what I do with every new role. I'm at zero, and I'm going to do the work.

You don't think of yourself as your external representation, or even your national origin or anything like that. You don't reduce yourself to that. That's kind of unthinkable.

I'm not really a movie star. No matter what I do in acting, whether I'm good, how much work I get, whatever, I never will be a movie star. Because I never think of myself as one. You are a movie star because you think of yourself as a movie star and always have.

When I was single and on Tinder, that was a good little "Hey, did you ever see this movie?" thing. I would never bring it up myself, but if they mentioned it, then cool, that could work for me. But then on the other hand, if they're like a superfan, that could be weird if that's all they're seeing. They think of you as that character more than who you actually are.

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