I've crashed my car three times.

I could eat gazpacho three times a day.

I was arrested three times and tortured once.

I like marriage. I've been married three times.

I eat a lot. I eat three times a day and I snack.

Ive been married three times and divorced three times.

Anything said three times in Washington becomes a fact.

He who has failed three times sets up as an instructor.

I've played Lear three times, I would love to do it again.

Listen you have to read a book three times before you know it.

David Moyes, in Italy, would have been sacked three times now.

Carry an oar when you drive. Three times I've ended up in water.

I have three women in the house. I get to be wrong three times a day.

A writer's inspiration is not just to create. He must eat three times a day.

There's an Elvis movie on the marquee sign, we've all seen at least three times.

What I tell you three times is true. What I tell you three million times is civilization.

I've always had bronchitis. I've been administered the Sacrament of Death three times for it

I have been married three times and it just keeps better and better, but I'm going to stop here.

Google makes so much money that it’s now worth three times more than every U.S. airline combined.

I love working with Lars [von Trier]! I've worked with him three times. I did the narration of Dogville and Manderlay.

Spader and I were nearly killed. Three times. We were also robbed and witnessed a gruesome murder. Happy birthday to me!

The Eskimos have hundreds of word for snow but we've invented three times that many words for relationships. What really defines a relationship?

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