The tide tarrieth no man.

The tides are in our veins.

Pity swells the tide of love.

Nae man can tether time or tide.

Nae man can tether time nor tide.

Tides do what tides do – they turn.

Who knows what the tide could bring.

The rising tide lifts all the boats.

Give wind and tide a chance to change.

I'm a sucker where I love shifting tides.

Time and tide and hookers wait for no man.

Make haste! The tide of Fortune soon ebbs.

You can never turn your back on the ocean.

The lotos bowed above the tide and dreamed.

Trains, like time and tide, stop for no one.

Dead fish don't swim around in jealous tides.

For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide.

She's so ugly, the tide wouldn't take her out.

I swim against the tide because I like to annoy.

. . . in the full tide of successful experiment.

I have a temper on me that could hold back tides.

In high tide or in low tide, I'll be by your side

Here I am, I still go on, you know, like the tides.

When I go to the beach, even the tide won't come in.

In families, there are no crimes beyond forgiveness.

As we say in the sewer, time and tide wait for no man.

Language exerts hidden power, like the moon on the tides.

Reputations rise and fall almost as regularly as the tides.

Celebrate the success of others. High tide floats all ships.

My soul grazes like a lamb on the beauty of an indrawn tide.

It's the tide. It's the dismal tide. It's not the one thing.

The tide of my love Has risen so high let me flood over You.

Man wonders but God decides When to kill the Prince of Tides.

The only word for goodness is goodness, and it is not enough.

You have to have passion, go with your gut, go against the tide

Hold back the tide. Keep your kids innocent as long as possible.

And far and wide, in a scarlet tide, The poppy's bonfire spread.

My wound is geography. It is also my anchorage, my port of call.

A single breaker may recede; but the tide is evidently coming in.

We lack resolve and blame fate, mistaking the drift for the tides.

Only once in a lifetime love rushes in, changing you with the tide.

Welcome to Chicago. This town stinks like a whorehouse at low tide.

The idea behind Reaganomics is this: a rising tide lifts all yachts.

Online education is like a rising tide, it's going to lift all boats.

the heaviest anguish often precedes a return tide of joy and courage.

There’s no point in fighting the tide. It ebbs. It flows. You ride it.

There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue.

I threw bitter tears at the ocean, but all that came back was the tide.

Just keep plugging ahead with your idea because the tide turns quickly.

I think there's a tide that tends to carry historians back to the past.

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