If you're sensitive, you will have a hard time with me.

Say, the next time I see you, remind me not to talk to you, will you?

I rage playing video games. I think that's the only time you will ever hear me say a cuss word.

The only time you will see me content is when everyone is calling me the greatest fighter of all time.

My time and my legacy with Dream Theater will always be a part of me. It's something I'll always be proud of.

I'm sure the next time Piers Morgan asks me to host his show again I will ask President Obama to be my guest.

I think this journal will be disadvantageous for me, for I spend my time now like a spider spinning my own entrails.

Let me say this: I have said, any time, if it's Martin Mull, I will say yes. If it's Christopher Guest, I will say yes.

I'll never make it, it will never happen, because they're never going to hear me 'cause they're screaming all the time.

What I did in '06 with 'Port of Miami' was classic for that era, for that time frame, and in 2017, 'Rather You Than Me' will be the same.

An interview will seem very sane to me, and I'll find out that the journalist was laughing out of the side of his mouth half of the time.

I've been wanting to do a book about baseball for the longest time, and nobody will let me do it. It's the one thing from America I really miss.

Even if my film does well, you will not see me blowing my own trumpet. There is no time to sit and dwell on whether it's done well or not done well.

Somebody will come up to me after a show and have me sign their arm, and the next time I see them my autograph has been permanently inscribed on their arm.

I enjoy what I do, but I also do it on time because my audience is very pervasive; they're everywhere, and they will constantly remind me if I'm not on time.

'Clown' was written when I couldn't find anyone who believed in me as an artist. Maybe those labels will think twice next time a young songwriter comes along.

The first sentence of every novel should be: Trust me, this will take time but there is order here, very faint, very human. Meander if you want to get to town.

If I get incensed about some injustice, you can't make me - I will not just going to sit at my desk, at my computer all the time. I - I might want to march out on that.

I will never be able to create a budget from scratch with the amount of time that I have, but my instructions remain the same: Give me a budget that has no new revenue.

Overall, one of the things that excites me most about self-publishing is that the highest-value use of my time in promoting the books will be found in writing more of them.

Nothing concerns me other than my time. That is my only concern. I don't pay any attention to the rest. I run after time. If that improves, the gold, silver, etc. will follow.

How can I stop acting? I don't think there is a full stop. Maybe the only time I will stop will be when acting stops fascinating me. I will have to find something that fascinates me more.

The Villa boys will not be shy in telling me that I talk about Hibs all the time. I loved my time here, it was a special three seasons so I have a lot to be thankful for from my time here.

Oh, I just want what we all want: a comfortable couch, a nice beverage, a weekend of no distractions and a book that will stop time, lift me out of my quotidian existence and alter my thinking forever.

I will never have anything that is remotely technical near my bath time. I completely zone out and stare up at the ceiling. For me, it's like a form of meditation. It's a time where I can just actually turn off.

My kids will come to me and ask me to listen to a 'new sound' they think they've discovered. One time it was the Beatles' 'Yesterday,' and the new sound was four strings. All of a sudden the new generation discovers the string quartet!

Whenever I organize or participate in public protest I get really worried that it will just suck, be really small, embarrassing, and the media will laugh at me. Oftentimes, it is really small and most of the time the media laughs at us.

Any time I go to a hospital, the doctors treat me like an equal, and I'm terrified I'll be in the delivery room, and the doctor will say, 'Noah. Noah, why don't you get a hand in here?' and I'll pass out or throw up and be horribly embarrassed.

No one would ever have heard Marcus Hummon's version of 'Cowboy, Take Me Away' if he hadn't recorded it on the Sampler. I would have heard it because I hear him sing all the time, but no one else would have been able to enjoy it, and now they can and will be able to for years.

Wintertime for me is a time when I do a lot of my writing in the studio. It's a time I enjoy. And it's very reflective and a very calming time of the year. Throughout the year I gather a lot of musical inspirations, and this is where I bring them to the studio and see what will evolve musically.

I quit it because at the end of seven years in an ensemble show with one leader, I thought: 'I will be known as 'Dallas' starring Larry Hagman and the cast.' And at this point in my career - I was in my mid to late 30s - I thought, 'Now is the time when it's hottest for me to go out and establish my thing.'

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