I'm getting tired of answering the same questions every day.

The test of a people is what they can do when they're tired.

I'm so tired of men who are afraid to hurt women's feelings.

I've grown tired of traveling alone, won't you ride with me?

Perhaps I’m tired of waiting for something I may never find.

I've just swum the length of the Thames. I feel quite tired.

I'm tired of people not treating me like the gift that I am.

People tend to think I'm insane, and I'm really tired of it.

I'm just tired; I just want the world to be quiet for a bit.

You are an athlete when you're onstage. You can't get tired.

The whole 'sell out' word to me is such a tired, tired word.

We've become more tolerant because we're tired of the debate.

I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money.

You know, I'm sick and tired of people pointing rifles at me.

I'm tired of giving my best and not having it be good enough.

Nylon string is still a new love and I'm not tired of it yet.

Middle age is when it takes longer to rest than to get tired.

In America, we're tired. We're exhausted in terms of nuclear.

We are tired out in making complaints and getting no redress.

I am really very, very tired of everything - more than tired.

Man was made at the end of the week's work when God was tired.

I try to keep an open mind but I'm so tired of the mediocrity.

Champagne is the one thing that gives me zest when I am tired.

Even the biggest heroes turn into cowards when they get tired.

You may get real tired watching me, but I'm not going to quit.

I'm getting a little tired of everybody quoting Ronald Reagan.

Whenever a man is tired, wine is a great restorer of strength.

It isn't work that makes you tired, it's your mental attitude.

I'm tired of wasting letters when punctuation will do, period.

I was so getting tired of fighting for my life in the library.

People are tired of simple things. They want to be challenged.

I am tired of being in an industry that doesn't appreciate me.

She was tired, with that tiredness that only emptiness brings.

Losers quit when they're tired. Winners quit when they've won.

It is formatted, and I'm tired of using vi. I get really bored.

When I'm tired, I rest. I say, 'I can't be a superwoman today.'

I do not believe in old age. I do not believe in getting tired.

So: we're all tired. Now what? Manuscripts written in Club Med?

I will never get tired of making chocolate chip cookies. Never.

I love old gardens best- tired old garden that rest in the sun.

I am tired of talking about what I do or what I am going to do.

If there's too much of you around, people can get tired of you.

The test of real character is what a man does when he is tired.

Man was made at the end of the week's work, when God was tired.

People get tired of the same old sound. They want something new.

I mean, when you're tired of book reviews, you're tired of life.

I always try to read at night, because it gets me kind of tired.

Forever and ever, kid, until you're sick and tired of seeing me.

I’m so tired... I was up all night trying to round off infinity.

It's an exhilarating play, and you come off tired, but thrilled.

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