We never want to toe the line.

I moisturize head to toe daily.

I don't toe the party line all the time.

They think they have God Almighty by the toe.

I like my chances toe to toe with just about anybody.

I didn't just dip my toe into the pool of romantic comedies.

The way I toe the line with comedy is I run jokes past people.

Show some originality and never wear one designer head to toe.

I had six surgeries on my left toe and another six on the right toe.

We don't dip our toe into religion or politics, because you can't win.

I tend to wear monochromatic outfits - all one colour from head to toe.

I'm tanned from head to toe, and it looks like I've been in The Bahamas.

I have always felt that no climb is worth losing the tip of a little toe.

I feel very fortunate that I make everything I wear head to toe every day.

I am not ashamed to admit that I'm wearing Yves Saint Laurent from top to toe.

I'm not about trying to hand pick my fights and tip toe around the competition.

I don't like it when you look too styled and wear one designer from head to toe.

My job is to persuade people to toe the line and play within the laws of the game.

You have to split, bend over backward, touch our toe to our heads to get recognized.

I wouldn't be comfy going toe to toe launching a new scripted show against broadcast.

Show me a person who doesn't like to laugh and I'll show you a person with a toe tag.

Every time I toe the rubber, it's no different for me than it was in the World Series.

We're not all Kim Kardashian. We can't have $15,000 from head to toe every single day.

When it comes down to it, I'm just a girl who wears those five-finger weird toe shoes.

If a man wants to objectify a woman, he will do it even if she's clad from head to toe.

When I hung up my toe shoes, I didn't look back. In all my years, I have never looked back.

I grew up under demanding people, that demanded things from you, expected you to toe the mark.

Just because I have signed a contract doesn't mean that he or she has bought me from head to toe.

I totally wouldn't mind being able to wave my hand head to toe and have, like, a whole new outfit.

When I was a kid, toe dancing and toe shoes had a meaning in our culture as a serious kind of art.

It's 'ow,' like, you stubbed your toe. 'Lee,' like Bruce Lee. Then, you add an 'e.' Auli'i Cravalho.

There are a lot of things you do in a supernatural universe that can toe the line and cross the line.

The novelist is the vestigial bone on the body cinema. We're like the little toe that can be cut off.

I regularly visualise my body from head to toe, and wait for it to tell me if there's anything wrong.

What's the nastiest injury I've sustained? Just a frostbitten toe... but thankfully it's still intact.

I was always told I had to be an example to my siblings. I was told to toe the line. So I had to behave.

You will never see President Bachmann step one toe out of the United States and apologize for this country.

In 'The Condemned,' if you saw the movie, that's all me; I'll go toe to toe with anyone in an action movie.

One thing I longed to do was to design a complete look, from head to toe, so I started a make-up line in 1966.

Boston is so laced with jerseys that you can be dressed head to toe in team apparel and no one will look twice.

I've never been a guy who had more than a toe in Hollywood anyway, so my toe is more easily lopped off than most.

I want to work closely with the government but it doesn't mean I become so weak and just toe the government line.

I don't subscribe to this view that the far-right is somehow in control of the Conservative party from top to toe.

What I love about the Coen brothers - what everyone loves - is that they sort of toe the line of a truly dark comedy.

Boxing is not always about standing in the middle going toe to toe. It's about poise and grace under extreme pressure.

Irish poets, learn your trade, sing whatever is well made, scorn the sort now growing up all out of shape from toe to top.

I was cycling until I was 68. I used to play football, cricket, tennis, table tennis. I was into road walking - heel and toe.

My sexuality, in terms of 'Strictly' or whatever else I do in my life, ought to be as irrelevant as the length of my big toe.

Although I'm largely doing other things in life, it's very nice occasionally to put my toe back in the waters of show business.

I love seeing a woman in a beautiful dress and pairing it with a light shoe that shows skin - I really believe in toe cleavage.

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