Tom Cruise is dope.

I'd love to work with Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise is absolutely fabulous.

I'm certainly not Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt.

Tom Cruise, he's a lot more famous than me.

I don't care what Tom Cruise says about therapy.

My hope is to see Tom Cruise jumping on my couch.

My mom wouldn't know Tom Cruise if he punched her in the face.

I love Tom Cruise. I've been a Tom Cruise fan for a long time.

I wouldn't want to be married to me, but luckily Tom Cruise does.

Who isn't a fan of Tom Cruise? He has been in so many amazing movies.

Well, when you've had Tom Cruise play you, anything else is a comedown.

If you're going to fight Tom Cruise, you really don't want to make that man bleed.

Tom Cruise is one of the most wonderful, kind, and generous men that I've ever met.

Tom Cruise is just a machine. He really raises the bar as far as being a stud goes.

Being critical of Tom Cruise is being critical of Scientology itself. You are evil.

I guess Tom Cruise - everything he does, everything he touches, is kind of a success.

I can watch 'Mission: Impossible' all day every day. Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt is so hot.

When you do a Tom Cruise movie, you don't do a Tom Cruise movie and ask a lot of questions.

I totally relate to Tom Cruise. He's not crazy, it's just the litany of the mid-life crisis.

I always think I'm the Tom Cruise of music - a lot of success and fans, but no critics, darling.

Justin Bieber and I are going to get married some day. I also like Tom Cruise. He's very classy.

When I was at my lowest, Tom Cruise reached out to me. He believed in me when other people didn't.

I want to be like Tom Cruise from 'The Outsiders' and go on and do amazing movies for a long time.

There isn't a studio in the world that wouldn't burn half its soundstages to get a Tom Cruise movie.

I have no TV, thank God. I haven't heard anything about Tom Cruise, except that he had a baby, I think.

There's a generation that doesn't care if Tom Cruise is at the top of the movie. They want authenticity.

There are only three men in the world who are licensed to wear shorts: Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and Tom Cruise.

I don't want to go to work and get into bed with someone else, not even Tom Cruise. It's not like I enjoy it.

I've always kinda wanted to work with Morgan Freeman, Tom Cruise, and people like that. Probably Will Smith, too.

I probably would do over the Tom Cruise interview because I've thought of so many things I would have said in hindsight.

It's kind of hard to work with Tom Cruise and not be aware that you're working with one of the biggest movie stars in the world.

If you go to a restaurant with Tom Cruise, it's like walking in with Santa Claus. Everybody is in a better mood because he's there.

I still get excited by working with big names. You have that initial moment of, 'Oh my goodness, I'm going to work with Tom Cruise!'

You know how many movies it took Tom Cruise before he was making 5, 6 million dollars? It probably took a billion dollars in box office.

Working with Christopher McQuarrie and working with Tom Cruise; two people who are just so good at what they do, it just makes you better.

Everybody has their own style. If you went to the movies every week and everybody acted the same way Tom Cruise did, boy, wouldn't that suck?

I don't necessarily view myself as a 'famous' person, I look at like Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts and think to myself, now that's a celebrity.

Audiences in every medium are becoming far more savvy. No one goes to watch a Tom Cruise movie any more just because it's starring Tom Cruise.

If you told my 13-year-old self that one day I'd be talking about how Tom Cruise and I had good chemistry, she'd think you were completely mad.

I was never the ingenue or the pretty girlfriend of Tom Cruise in a movie. I didn't have that career, so I don't have to compete on that level.

Are people like Tom Cruise in touch with their public? I doubt it. Footballers are more like the rock stars of yester-year: they are box office.

I don't look like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise. When you put me on the screen, the women don't want to make love to me, and the men don't want to be me.

I'm a fan of Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and all these people. If I could end up like Jonah Hill, winding up in a Brad Pitt movie, that would be awesome.

It's like Scott Wolf, I never thought he looked like Tom Cruise until somebody said it and now that they've said it, I see it every time I look at him!

It's very cool to be able to say that my first real film was 'Footloose' and my second film I got to star alongside Tom Cruise and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Its all been very flattering and fun. It's a thrill to be recognized. I don't know, if it gets to the point like Tom Cruise, who can't walk down the street.

I'm not Tom Cruise. Very few British actors are. If you look at the body of work I've done it's pretty obvious I'm not going to make a 'Mission: Impossible.'

I've made a career of being a contrarian. If I'm going to work with Tom Cruise, it's my instinct to be like, 'Well, I'm going to do the anti-Tom Cruise movie.'

There are so many people I would love to work with, like Al Pacino, Paul Newman, Gary Oldman - maybe Tom Cruise. I wanna play his brother in something - so call my agent!

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