The tours are campaigns.

We once did six tours of America in 15 months.

I served two tours in Iraq, in the Marine Corps.

I always start tours with a great deal of anticipation.

But I don't want to do no big tours or go out on the road.

If it weren't for book tours, I would never leave my house.

When you're on book tours, you definitely need chocolate. At all times.

I did three tours in Vietnam. I guess a total of about almost two years.

One of Lady Antebellum's first big tours was opening up for Kenny Chesney.

I grew up doing live tours and playing in bars, so it was what I love to do.

I wanna get the streets riled back up. I wanna get super tours and bookings.

From tours to mixing, mastering, graphics, artwork - I've done out of pocket.

But, listen, Eddie Merkyx would have won six Tours if he hadn't been punched.

We have done so many tours and played for so many crowds. We know who we are.

Canadian tours are big and difficult, because of the large spaces between cities.

I don't plan tours necessarily around records. I know that's what most people do.

I always hate starting tours, especially when it coincides with an album coming out.

I served two tours of duty in Vietnam. I won the Bronze Star. I won the Purple Heart.

I don't like long tours. I find it much easier to go out for a short spurt every month.

I have never wanted to give up performing on stage, but one day the tours will be over.

I've been acting for 25 years, living out of suitcases on theater tours or film locations.

Book tours are almost designed to beat out of an author any affection he has for his book.

You gotta do both. You've got to be on those big tours, and you've got to be in the clubs.

The 2018 tour is supposed to be a farewell tour. But you take farewell tours one at a time.

I don't mind doing the Who tours when they come along but I want to get out there and play.

The USO tours I've been part of have definitely been the highlight of my career and my life.

I still continue to do at least four concert tours a year, and in many cases, as many as six.

So I've had lots of different bands over the years who have stayed with me for certain tours.

The Band never really played big concert tours. We never sold millions and millions of albums.

I mean, gosh, my first tours I ever did were with the Ramones and Iggy Pop and Love & Rockets.

I've done two USO Tours, one in the Middle East and one in Asia, and spent time with the troops.

I might do a solo album, maybe do covers, or do an acoustic thing. No Sex Pistols tours, nothing!

You have a lot of time on these tours. As Alice Cooper said, you can either drink all day or golf.

Book tours and research provide a lot of travel - too much, I sometimes think, but we do take vacations.

I don't think I will ever do any tours again in the United States. I rather think that that's over with.

I also never went there when I was little because I was too busy working and traveling on national tours.

Tours always leave us some regrets and thoughts that we could have done better and should have done better.

You can't cancel my stand-up tours. It's impossible. There's too many separate bosses. There is no 'bosses.'

I'd like to sell out worldwide stadium tours. That'd be something. Or to have sixty number ones on Billboard.

My autobiography would be 'Loves music, loves art, works hard, writes music, tours the world, makes records.'

I love going on book tours because it's an opportunity to connect with the people that matter most to my brand.

I have been dealing with claims that I cheated and had an unfair advantage in winning my seven Tours since 1999.

People want to hear your stories about these wonderful experiences you have, and that's what press tours are for.

I did three club tours before I started playing concert halls, and the clubs were half full the first time around.

I've been on big tours ever since I started, but you can't just go out there and headline, you have to do it right.

My father had wanted to name me for Dylan Thomas. He had seen him speak on one of those drunken poetry tours he did.

Cindy had two kids. We did manage to keep playing and doing summer tours with the Go-Gos, the Pretenders, and Blondie.

I had four combat tours, and I never saw death on a scale like I saw in Haiti. A quarter-million people lost their lives.

It's still the height of every four years for me, regardless of Tours de France and everything: it's all about the Olympics.

Everywhere I go, from malls to restaurants to sold-out tours overseas and back, everywhere I've been, I get nothing but love.

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