Go, and never darken my towels again.

Can I come in? No! I'm in a towel! I'm blind!

I didn't want to change the name on the towels.

I'm sorry, but I was born with a towel on my head.

I am a big fan of white sheets, hotel bedding and white towels!

The towels were so thick there I could hardly close my suitcase.

I've done the day jobs and slung towels at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Do not throw in the towel; use it for wiping the sweat off your face.

I'm always using a towel around my head. Airports don't worry about me.

It's not all wet towels and naked women. I was so disappointed to learn that.

It's a nasty divorce when they can't agree on how to divvy up the His and Hers towels.

If we can't alter the tide of events, at least we can be nearby with towels to mop up.

I follow the Patriots, but the Steelers were my first and true love. I still have a terrible towel.

It was stealing her breath, imbecile. Go get a towel." -Christophe, Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow

That's good. And speaking of spelling, tell me -- do you wrap your head in a towel after you shower?

With WWE, it's a massive machine, and you will air in 120 countries and have action figures and towels.

Tottenham have impressed me. They haven't thrown in the towel even though they have been under the gun.

Automatic paper towel dispensers are a solution to something that was never a problem in the first place.

Wearing a bath towel around the school yard and pretending it's a cape doesn't mean you have magical powers.

The laundry has its hands on my dirty shirts, sheets, towels and tablecloths, and who knows what tales they tell.

Not enough." Margo rose and tucked the towel in place. " Come on, let's go stuff her in a locker. For old time's sake.

I've gained a few pounds around the middle. The only lower body garments I own that still fit me comfortably are towels.

The Hitch Hiker's Guide has not been an opera. It has however been a tapestry, if you count a woven bath towel as a tapestry.

When I was a kid, I lived in a poor part of Chicago, and I remember my brother and me using towels as capes. My son does it, too.

When I dyed my hair red, the first week was traumatic because my pillows, my shower, my towels, my clothes and everything was red.

Almost everyone who's been to primary school in Britain has had towels put on their heads to play the shepherds in the nativity play.

My brother Shane and I used to spar with each other in the kitchen. We didn't have gloves, so we wrapped tea towels around our hands.

I like a real beach. A crowded one, you know? People, towels, umbrellas. I hate those little private strips of sand you see up in Malibu.

In Africa, you can make three acres sustainable relatively easily, but 50,000 acres? It's not about picking up towels or sleeping in a tent.

You know, there is always times where you feel discouraged and things coming against you, but I don't know if I ever wanted to throw in the towel.

Does God ask us to do what is beneath us? This question will never trouble us again if we consider the Lord of heaven taking a towel and washing feet.

I know all about you. You're the people waiting on the shoreline with the warm towels and the hot chocolate after the woman swims the English Channel.

I took a job at the pool in order to earn the five cents a day it cost to swim. I counted wet towels. As a bonus, I was allowed to swim during lunchtime.

You decent?” I pulled the towel up a little higher. “Yes, if my wrinkled toes don’t offend.” Marco’s swarthy head popped around the doorjamb. “Naw, they’re cute.

I'm trying to build a brand, so I can sell Keyshawn Johnson products in stores. You know, paint, rugs, carpet, drapery, fabrics, blankets, towels, hardware, plates.

Activism is something that no one can fake. You get angry. You cry. But you never throw in your towel, because that anger is what is propelling you to further action.

The Lord ate from a common bowl, and asked the disciples to sit on the grass. He washed their feet, with a towel wrapped around His waist - He, who is the Lord of the universe!

As cruel as life might be at times, if you throw in the towel, which is what everyone will expect, then nothing good will happen and your life will fall apart. Be better than that!

When you look at the sheer volume of paper usage in the U.S. alone, it's truly frightening: paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, writing paper. Our consumption of trees is endless.

We used to get one room and we'd park the vehicle outside, everybody would all take showers and we'd steal towels because we knew we wasn't gonna have enough towels for all five of us to shower.

I am a poor mendicant. My earthly possessions consist of six spinning wheels, prison dishes, a can of goat's milk, six homespun loincloths and towels and my reputation, which cannot be worth much.

T.S. Eliot, who learned to swim at the same beach as I did, just threw in the towel and moved to Cheyne Walk. I'm not going to do that but I'm not scared of the open channel between me and Britain.

Nothing is worse than washing a head of lettuce or greens, then trying to blot the water with paper towels. A salad spinner lets you rinse, then spin all the water off completely. Plus, it's fun to use.

What's more vulnerable than being naked, especially when you're out in the cold on the street? I agreed to it as long as I could pick the towel, and I picked the smallest, most floral towel I could find.

Chubby Checker lost pounds by demonstrating how to move as if you were 'drying your back with a towel' − the substitution of the word 'back' for 'bottom' indicates the oddly wholesome image of the Twist.

We used tea towels for gloves until we got proper ones and were always breaking our mum's ornaments. She'd come home and find us all sat in our boxer shorts, out of breath and our skin red raw. She hated it.

I was one of those dancers who they say wants to feel the floor through their pointe shoes. I would end up not wearing toe pads and that stuff. I would just wrap minimal amounts of paper towels around my toes.

You don't realize how hard it is to live on your own. But there's no mom to do your laundry, and make you dinner and to do things for you, and you don't think about little things like buying paper towels and salt.

I worked in IT, which is all boys, and I was the queen of the boys. That's what I did. I was the one who knew where the paper towels were, which was very important. And I organized happy hours and things like that.

When you're in prison, there's no hiding. These women are not hiding behind towels and shower curtains. They go to the bathroom with no doors on the stalls. It would actually look weird, if these women were hiding.

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