Trail dust is thicker'n blood.

Most trails can be fairly simple.

Cycle trails will abound in Utopia.

L.A. is full of great hiking trails.

I like to play women who blaze trails.

Don't follow the path. Blaze the trail.

Happy trails to you, until we meet again.

My noisy denunciation trails off in doubt.

I could never resist the call of the trail.

Compromise yourself. Obscure your own trail.

I tend to be rather inconsequential and trail off.

I only knew basic western trail riding. Nothing fancy.

The trail of the human serpent is thus over everything.

The places where trails do not exist are not well marked.

In a word I was a pioneer, and therefore had to blaze my own trail.

I live in Hawaii, and the trails and mountains here are just magic.

It's not always as comfortable blazing the trail as it is walking on it.

I've been around the block a lot and I've had a merry trail for 55 years.

Now a promise made is a debt unpaid, and the trail has its own stern code.

Hillary Clinton wanted to hide what she was doing so that there was no trail

I know a number of coastal trails in downeast Maine, all of them interesting.

The place where you lose the trail is not necessarily the place where it ends.

Once you have been touched by magic, you are forever changed. You leave a trail.

I respect all women who came before me to blaze trails into the workplace for us.

The government is controlling your mind through chem trails, we all know this is true.

For all of us, whether we walk old paths or blaze new trails, friends remain important.

The trails in South Africa are completely different to Europe: dusty and loose surface.

It's fun to be a little bit different in the world, to make a few new trails of your own.

It's like a dream come true, coming to the Olympic trails and leaving being the champion.

We were now arrived at the close of our solitary journeyings along the St. Joseph's trail.

Lawrence Millman is a favorite writer of mine. He did a travels on the trail of the Vikings.

Beyond the Indian hamlet, upon a forlorn strand, I happened on a trail of recent footprints.

In 2004, I joined my father, John Kerry, on the trail in his bid for the United States presidency.

Trust me: Studios, investors, filmmakers, they will shift because they just follow the money trail.

I love the simplicity and freedom of running. A pair of shoes, and you are all set to explore new trails.

With hope or without hope we will follow the trail of our enemies. And woe to them, if we prove the swifter!

Just 'cause you're following a well-marked trail don't mean that whoever made it knew where they were goin'.

Success doesn't come to you; you must go to it. The trail is well traveled. If you want to walk it, you can.

We must think nationally about the [trails] system and act locally to link trails and make the system happen.

I have no patience with up-themselves authors who complain about having to trail round a few bookshops signing stock.

When we blaze trails, which is what Hulu is about, it takes time. That is not for the faint of heart, and we understand that.

With its beautiful shoreline and scenic trails, Indiana Dunes is a state treasure that deserves the recognition of a national park.

The gap between the committed and the indifferent is a Sahara whose faint trails, followed by the mind's eye only, fade out in sand.

Here in Austin, Texas, we live in sort of rolling hill country. And I get on my mountain bike, just cruise the hills, get on the trails.

I like to open new doors and blaze new trails through the jungle and all that whatnot. What keeps me goin all these years is changin it up.

You're right on the money with that. We're all like detectives in life. There's something at the end of the trail that we're all looking for.

I like to open new doors and blaze new trails through the jungle and all that whatnot. What keeps me goin' all these years is changin' it up.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.

If you follow the trail of your own enthusiastically repeated stories, you will begin to rediscover the things that invigorate and enliven you.

I personally love to run outdoor fitness trails. I love the meditative value I get when out alone, challenging myself to run faster and higher.

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