The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical ...

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

Transformed people transform people.

Transformed people transform cities.

Our ideas are transformed sensations.

Your garbage, transformed, is your gift.

You will be transformed by what you read.

My God, it transformed me. My life changed.

I really am a cat transformed into a woman.

Pain that is not transformed is transmitted.

God did not die; he was transformed into money

The Iraqi war has transformed the Middle East.

Nothing is lost. . .Everything is transformed.

A bicycle has transformed my experience of London.

People's lives can be transformed by the movement.

Man cannot be transformed from bad to good overnight.

The will is transformed by experience, not information.

in nature everything is transformed but nothing destroyed.

Any experience can be transformed into something of value.

It can always be transformed into an avenue of information.

My life has been transformed by great teachers all the way.

Beauty is transformed over time, and not without destruction.

The social element has really transformed the gaming experience.

It is useless to teach those who do not expect to be transformed

Education doesn't need to be reformed- it needs to be transformed.

There are women who have completely transformed my view of fashion.

A just person is one who is conformed and transformed into justice.

Your life will be transformed when you make peace with your shadow.

I came to Christ when I was thirty-eight. That transformed my life.

The experiences of life must be transformed into true comprehension.

Every job I've ever gotten has transformed me in some way as an actor.

We are here not only to transform the world but also to be transformed.

When you transform your mind, everything you experience is transformed.

Europe was born with Jean Monnet but then was progressively transformed.

Our sexual energy, when not properly mastered, is transformed into anger.

I think any woman can be transformed by a beautiful dress and high heels.

We know we can't be spiritually transformed by just focusing on the will.

I was 12 in '55 when rock and roll hit. It just completely transformed me.

Sure Start transformed my life as a mum and allowed me to get back to work.

I will not rest until I have transformed the landscape of American politics.

I want to be the person who completely transformed the health of the nation.

The Arab Awakening or Arab Spring has transformed the geopolitical landscape.

To be a mother is a magical experience. The whole body is transformed by this.

From Xbox in the previous generation to Xbox One, it's fundamentally transformed.

I am enormously proud of how we have transformed the TalkTalk customer experience.

The most visible joy can only reveal itself to us when we've transformed it, within.

Film and the other creative industries are being transformed by digital technologies.

All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?

I believe that his death and resurrection transformed humanity's relationship with God.

Nothing ever truly dies. The universe wastes nothing, everything is simply transformed.

Man can be literally transformed by his own repentance and by God's gift of forgiveness.

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