We always trend set.

The trend is your friend.

I have a trend of my own.

I'm not really a trend person.

We trendsetters, not trend sweaters.

Don't follow a trend. Follow your heart.

I never try to follow a trend or fashion.

Music has always followed a cyclic trend.

You cannot change strategy due to a trend.

Eat kale sometimes, but skip it as a trend.

As a designer, I'm not interested in trend.

I don't follow any particular musical trend.

Be yourself and set the trend. Don't follow.

Don't try to write to the trend of the moment.

A trend is exactly that, and it's going to disappear.

I started the trend of doing only one film at a time.

The trend now is to get away from stage bound sitcoms.

The whole concept of rewarding customers is a big trend.

If you follow the trend, you'll always be right behind it.

You have to know how to go against the trend of the times.

I rarely drop the ball, and hopefully that trend continues.

If utopian fiction became the new trend, I wouldn't read it.

Just because something is on trend, it might not work for you.

We must stop the trend of closing schools and building prisons.

The single most important top-level trend is the shift to mobile.

I like to wear what I feel good in, not what the latest trend is.

I don't understand leggings. They were the worst trend of the '80s.

Everyone asks, 'What's your favorite trend?' And I never answer that.

You gotta give everybody a new trend a new wave, something new to do.

There is definitely a trend of broadening the idea of who a gamer is.

The hacking trend has definitely turned criminal because of e-commerce.

I happened to come along in the music business when there was no trend.

I buck the trend: I eat avocados on a Sunday morning and I'm a homeowner.

As I always like to keep in mind about everything: Don't fight the trend.

Women on television are not a fad; we are not a trend - we are a reality!

Never let a trend get in the way of creating a great outfit for yourself.

Figuring out what the next big trend is tells us what we should focus on.

I've always felt that's something I'm capable of doing - setting up a trend.

Two quarters doesn't make a trend, but it's a heck of a lot better than none.

I'm always the last person in the world who would ever try to predict a trend.

I detest this contemporary trend to destroy the traditional hierarchy of genres.

Faith in technocrats over politicians is not a trend from which Britain is exempt.

The trend in entrepreneurship is up, but an entrepreneur's ability to hire is down.

Nobody can replace Dev sahab. He changed the trend of Indian cinema. He was an icon.

We don't have any intention of beginning a trend of re-creating actors who are gone.

One trend I always go for is nautical: stripes, navy, rope knot belts, gold buckles.

The liquidation of colonialism is a trend of the times which no force can hold back.

Generally, a rising trend in rates is bearish for stocks; a falling trend is bullish.

The beauty of what Apple does at Apple is that they're not on trend; they are classic.

The possibility that a provincial town could win the League completely bucks the trend.

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