My eyebrows could do with a trim.

It's amazing how stress keeps you trim.

I'm not slim and trim like Johnny Carson.

I won't rewrite on set, but I'll just trim the fat.

I'm still very professional about my fitness. I stay in trim as I always did.

I've always liked to keep trim, and fortunately, I don't put on weight easily.

Constant exercise can keep the body trim and taut, but the face is another thing.

If I don't trim the upper lip, my wife wouldn't kiss me. You have to take into account her needs as well.

Many people cycle or swim to keep trim. But if swimming is so good for the figure, how do you explain whales?

Work continuously to trim the White House staff from your first day to your last. All the pressures are to the contrary.

I don't do much to keep in trim - I try to walk places instead of driving whenever I can, but I really ought to do more.

When I was 15, if Stephen Fry had advised me to trim my eyebrows with a Flymo, I would have given it serious consideration.

Even if you buy a fur glove with the little trim, and you think 'Oh, my God, it's just a little trim,' that animal got clubbed.

In addition to intense workouts, you need to be mindful of what you are feeding your body in order to keep it looking trim and tight.

I don't normally try to stay trim over the festive period - a nice little shift dress and some tights always hides the Christmas bulge.

Wake the power within thee slumbering, trim the plot that's in thy keeping, thou wilt bless the task when reaping sweet labour's prize.

Maybe it's genetics, I've been lucky enough to grow some facial hair. A bit of oil here and there and a trim up, but there's not a lot to it.

The next time someone tells you we can trim the budget by cutting aid, I hope you will ask whether it will come at the cost of more people dying.

The DVD does make it a little easier for myself to trim things that are otherwise very difficult to let loose of - knowing that they'll make it on the DVD.

I absolutely hate waxing and any kinda manscaping, although I love it when I'm cutting a man's hair, and his eyebrows are really insane, and I get to trim them.

Why does Medicare have such difficulty accommodating a cut - no, wait, a trim to its annual spending increase - of two measly percentage points? Two words: baby boom.

It took me years to find a program that kept me in shape: Gyms felt intimidating, and women's magazines seemed tailored for toning the bodies of already trim white women.

Every two months, I'll get a trim, and every two years, I'll get a cut. And my night ritual is that I go to sleep. I don't wrap my hair, I don't bun my hair, I don't do crap!

Pressed by the Obama administration and consumers, Kraft, Nestle, Pepsi, Campbell and General Mills, among others, have begun to trim the loads of salt, sugar and fat in many products.

One of the things I do to stay healthy and fit is to make sure I exercise every single day. Aside from eating right and getting enough sleep, exercise keeps me trim and boosts my energy.

You can eat sensibly, exercise and stay trim. You don't have to starve yourself and risk damaging your health irrevocably. We need to make young girls aware of this. We need to drive it home.

Here's my tip: Have your production hire the best hair stylists on the planet to do your films and commercials, then casually hint about how great it would be to get a trim during lunch break.

The same way that we as humans stay groomed in summer, shower more and get the occasional haircut, pets need to be groomed too - nothing drastic, just a trim and some cleaning to keep fleas away.

Granddad offered me one hundred dollars if I would cut my mop of curly hair into a neat military style. Just before the wedding, I got a light trim. It wasn't enough for Granddad, and he didn't pay.

I am not even trying to become size zero. My problem was that I hated to see myself putting on weight when I could see others around me slim and trim and looking great. It was affecting me mentally.

When you choose high-quality delicious foods, your body will reward you with a trim figure and a longer, healthier life. After all, what you put in your body is the best recipe for staying sexy forever.

But on the big things, I'm not going to trim in order to win public opinion. Because I really don't want to serve in the Senate if I arrive there without permission to do the things I think need to be done.

We need smarter, 21st-century budget guardrails that would gradually trim the size of Washington in order to spur private investment, create jobs, and boost the income of hard-working Americans on Main Street.

I've had my run-ins with department stores, like Harrods, which stopped selling fur coats, but I found some there with fur trim, which is just as disgusting. Foie gras production is appalling - there's no excuse for selling it.

I pay attention to my nails. I have had this particular German nail kit for years, and I take it everywhere. If I don't trim and file my nails, they turn into talons. I cook a lot, too, and I don't like to see bits of food stuck under them.

The standing yoga routines work all the main muscles of the body and improve stamina while increasing your metabolic rate, and there is a specific Yoga Abs workout to build all-important core strength to improve posture and trim the waistline.

A man's sentiments are generally just and right, while it is second selfish thought which makes him trim and adopt some other view. The best reforms are worked out when sentiment operates, as it does in women, with the indignation of righteousness.

They had to re-shape the head of my femur back round. They had to trim my hip socket up a little bit. I had a lot of extra bone growth just from years of stressing it out. Because of that bone growth, it caused an impingement in my hip, which tore my labrum off the bone.

The nice thing about living in a semi-small town is that I can just go home and switch off. I go home now and I trim roses, rake leaves, wake up early in the morning and scare the raccoons off the lawn! It's kinda nice, that's the way I turn off, in Bakersfield, California.

Arizonans should not be judged disdainfully and from a distance by people whose closest contacts with Hispanics are with fine men and women who trim their lawns and put plates in front of them at restaurants, not with illegal immigrants passing through their backyards at 3 A.M.

As for facial hair, I think I decided it was a good look after graduate school. I always shave it myself and trim my own beard. I change the look depending on the role. For 'Million Dollar Baby,' I had no facial hair. For 'Men in Black 3,' I had no facial hair but did wear a wig.

Clients like Kerry Washington stay energized by substituting high carb, high fat foods with a diet rich in lean protein and low-calorie, fiber-rich vegetables. These foods not only keep you trim but have an amazing impact on the shape of the body, the appearance of skin, hair, and nails.

The thing about curly hair is that it's a toss-up. Some days you can let it air dry and it's better than a hair-do, but some days you just look like a sloppy person. I'm really resistant to a trim. I only do it when it gets hard to brush out in the shower, then I'll submit, begrudgingly.

One of my modeling bookers told me that the most important thing is to try to be vigilant about taking care of yourself. Get sleep, don't be afraid to trim your hair even if you're trying to grow it out, don't bite your fingernails, and stay in shape. A lot of it is in the little things.

For like everyday, just kind of hanging out, I love flannels. Part of my closet, there's a whole section of flannels because I love them so much. Slouchy, oversized hats and fedoras. I just got these 2 amazing hats that I really love, blue and gold trim with woven material by D&Y. I love D&Y hats.

Whenever I work on an album and the time comes to do all the artwork, the only thing I think of is the LP artwork. When we worked on the 'Electric Trim' artwork, we spent weeks and weeks making the LP artwork great, and then the CD artwork came together in a day or two. The LP is what's important to me.

I always overwrite - really awful, long bits of script - and then I trim it down to the bare bones and then add a little bit to colour it in. At the end of all of my stories, I test for wordless comprehension. So I remove the text and see if it works by itself. And if it does, I feel that that's a successful story.

I think that taxes would be fair if we first get rid of the tax code. This is the ultimate solution, not to just say we're going to trim around the edges, not to say that we will try to simplify a little of this and a little of that. The problem is, replace the tax code, so we can establish tax fairness for everybody.

I have really long hair, so I don't cut it all that often. Sometimes, when I'm working, I just have the stylist on set trim it for me. I don't dye my hair. When I was a teenager, I dyed my hair five colors at one time. It was all different shades of red going from more orange to more purple. I thought I looked so cool.

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