A troop surge in Baghdad would put more American troops at risk to address a problem that is not a military problem.

Virtues go ever in troops; they go so thick, that sometimes some are hid in the crowd; which yet are, but appear not.

Of course you have to support the troops. They're just kids. They're doing for their country what's expected of them.

One of the primary reasons I first ran for Congress was to be a voice for our troops, veterans and military families.

I’ve been calling for more troops for over two years, along with John McCain and others subsequent to my saying that.

It is a significant gamble to assume that troops in our U.K. Armed Forces would volunteer for a Scottish Defence Force.

O, merry is the Optimist, With the troops of courage leaguing. But a dour trend In any friend Is somehow less fatiguing.

I was impressed by the capability and talent and intellect of our troops on the ground. These kids are really impressive.

War is not only a matter of equipment, artillery, group troops or air force; it is largely a matter of spirit, or morale.

Commanders and senior officers should die with troops. The honour of the British Empire and the British Army is at stake.

A general never shows despair. He instills confidence in his troops. He leads them forward, even into the mouth of death.

There is a strong tendency in the United States to rally round the flag and their troops, no matter how mistaken the war.

Whenever I get a chance to perform for the troops, that makes me feel that I'm really doing something. That's what I want.

When I was in the army in the Golani troops, I served with Zionist and modern Orthodox guys and I became friends with them.

I'm an internationalist. I'd like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations.

It's very unlikely that we're going to send more troops to Iraq. We are going to have to train the Iraqis faster and harder.

I personally was involved in going over to Afghanistan to meet the troops. My father was a marine, so that was just amazing.

We have sent our troops to war without paying for it. Now, we are bringing them home without saying how we are paying for it.

I have one criticism about the Negro troops who fought under my command in the Korean War. They didn't send me enough of them.

Cossacks are the best light troops among all that exist. If I had them in my army, I would go through all the world with them.

Obama has not accomplished a key mission: sell his own successes and keep his own (political) troops fired up and ready to go.

I'm not willing to commit American taxpayers' money anymore or American troops on the ground in another Middle Eastern country.

I think the troops deserve the best equipment on the battlefield, the best training, and American armor if they get in trouble.

Hostile states' use of proxies in war zones to inflict damage on U.S. interests and troops is a constant, longstanding concern.

The heads of regiments are required to see that the troops join in prayer morning and evening as far as the service will permit.

A major of colored troops is here with his party capturing negroes, with or without their consent....They are being conscripted.

In 2005, I was the first member of Congress to introduce legislation calling for an immediate withdrawal of our troops from Iraq.

If we are going to commit American troops, we must be certain they have a clear mission, an achievable goal and an exit strategy.

For years troops stationed all over the world have utilised MySpace as a lifeline to communicate with their loved ones back home.

Supporting the troops has got to mean more than bumper stickers on pickup trucks, my friends. We need to give them what they need.

If British troops are committed to action, then the nation will, of course, support them. Their courage and skill is not in doubt.

I feel a sense of obligation to our troops and their families because of the decisions that I made. So I'm involved with veterans.

In Louisiana, President Bush met with over 15,000 National Guard troops. Here's the weird part, nobody remembers seeing him there.

I want the troops from Great Britain and the U.S. to be successful, but by the same token, Afghanistan has always been a screw-up.

I don't play the bass. I'm not in a band. I tried to think of ways I could touch base with the troops and support what we're doing.

I have a very deep concern about President Obama putting in another 21,000 troops into Afghanistan with the promise of more to come.

Some Iraqi troops aren't willing to fight for their government. But many Shiites appear willing to fight for their religious leaders.

I said that we needed to have people on the ground, troops on the ground in a coalition similar to what we had in the first Gulf War.

Our troops shouldn't be mired in taking land for the Afghan military, providing force protection and fighting a permanent insurgency.

Our troops should not conform to customs that represent the marginalization of people and are incongruent with our fundamental values.

Surrender your forces and give yourselves and your troops the opportunity to be a part of Iraq's future and not a part of Iraq's past.

Nothing is easy in war. Mistakes are always paid for in casualties and troops are quick to sense any blunder made by their commanders.

Wars tend to be very public things, they are visible. There are correspondents traveling with the troops and you get daily dispatches.

I can remember when President Nixon basically said, 'All troops have been withdrawn from the delta.' And I said, 'Wait, I'm still here.'

Withdrawal of US troops will become like salted peanuts to the American public: The more US troops come home, the more will be demanded.

Christmases with Polish and Romanian troops, including religious ceremonies in crude bunkers and huts, were deeply spiritual experiences.

Troops fighting for their lives should not have to ask a lawyer sitting in air conditioning 500 miles away for permission to drop a bomb.

We're not going to put the cart before the horse and just think by sending more troops, we're automatically going to make Americans safe.

China can keep her troops on the external frontiers of Tibet, and Tibetans will pledge to accept the appropriate form of union with China.

The rise of ISIS is a result of - Obama and Clinton making a decision to pull our troops out without preparing Iraq is a colossal mistake.

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