I've got 50 different tunings in the guitar.

I'm a tuning fork, tense and twanging all the time.

Any time Nate Diaz fights, I'm tuning in, I promise you.

I always want to be in love, always. It's like being a tuning fork.

I'm just a normal guy and blue-collar historian, and people keep tuning in.

Artists are tuning forks. Their goal is to create resonance in the audience.

If you are tuning in just for the show, you're going to be sorely disappointed.

The fine tuning of the universe provides prima facie evidence of deistic design.

The life of expression is the tuning fork by which we find our way to the sacred.

Opportunity is often missed because we are broadcasting when we should be tuning in

When I started presenting 'Scrapheap Challenge,' I was rubbish at tuning V8 engines.

I love tuning into Radio 1 on a Friday night after training and hearing the new stuff.

Chromamatic' is actually about changing the strings on my guitar and tuning my guitar.

Ideals are like tuning forks: sound them often to bring your life up to standard pitch.

Most of the model consolidation we've done is behind us. There will be some fine tuning.

In comedy, if you don't have the right tuning with your co-actor, the humour can fall flat.

Harpists spend 90 percent of their lives tuning their harps and 10 percent playing out of tune.

So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning-fork that had been struck upon a star.

His teeth sang in their individual sockets like tuning forks, each one pitch-perfect and clear as ethanol.

Guitar comes more out of its limitations for me, like putting it in a weird tuning and then just go places.

Like cars, every relationship requires a bit of an occasional service, and fine-tuning should be compulsory.

Tunings are wonderfully inspiring, and it helps you to write music. If I'm stuck, you know, I change the tuning.

It is the tuning of the universe... It's as if at the beginning of the symphony God turns up the volume just a tiny bit.

Practicing yoga is like tuning up your car: it allows the bode to function in accordance with what it was designed to do.

I become like a tuning fork to the information that is coming through me, in shamanism they call it being the 'hollow reed'.

I want the whole world to watch me fight. But you know if people are just tuning in to hear me trash talk are not fight fans.

A lot of female viewers who may not have known about wrestling or watched it before are tuning in now because of 'Total Divas.'

I loved Western Swing and Hank Williams' music, and I now know that it's a 6th tuning that gives you all of those classic licks.

The person who is in tune with the Universe becomes like a radio receiver, through which the voice of the Universe is transmitted.

Technology really has turned out to be a wonderful thing. . . . So Americans really are tuning in in positive ways on the Internet.

The full beauty of the subject of generating functions emerges only from tuning in on both channels: the discrete and the continuous.

One thing I liked about 'Silver Bell' is that I barely knew how to play in the tuning I was writing in, and I just went for it anyway.

Anything you make has its own wavelength and its own sound. It's like a tuning fork, until the things that resonate are correct for it.

Holidays are about experiences and people, and tuning into what you feel like doing at that moment. Enjoy not having to look at a watch.

Well, I used to model back in high school, and I was one of those people that, every week I was tuning in to 'America's Next Top Model.'

Emotion brings in the dimension of bonding or tuning in: An experience that touches your heart makes the meaning that much more personal.

Every time that I hear the orchestra tuning up, I get chills all over my body. You know, catharsis after catharsis. It's better than sex!

Empathy is about two people - two people meeting, getting to know each other and tuning in to what the other person is thinking and feeling.

What I enjoy so much about the Tonys' uniqueness is that anyone who's tuning in has an interest in seeing the show, so our job is halfway done.

It takes sometimes years in the market to get the tuning to the right place where your game is as compelling at level 100 as it was at level 10.

Intention appears to be something akin to a tuning fork, causing the tuning forks of other things in the universe to resonate at the same frequency

People are tuning in for one reason and one reason only: to find out what's happened. That's what took me a very long time at 'SportsCenter' to figure out.

It is still true that it is easier to compose a poem in the form of a manual for adjusting a VCR than it is to write a piece using just tuning as a symphony.

Also the pictures themselves give a visual to the audience tuning in, that makes them a very important part of law enforcement, or pulling families together.

The best lesson I learned from my dad, Jack, is that nobody is tuning in to a game to hear you broadcast. They want to watch the game, so don't get in the way.

I enjoy having some boundaries to work within. That's why I generally don't like alternate tunings and stuff like that. I like the boundaries of regular tunings.

I used a baritone guitar with a very unusual tuning that became the body of the composition, while the classical guitar is on top of it with the main rhythm part.

When I take on a role, all I tend to do is get to know the script and ask millions of questions, and keep fine tuning what I think the character is trying to say.

Conservatives have long argued, correctly, that 'fine-tuning' the economy is a chimera, but that argument seems to have disappeared from the conservative handbook.

In technology, we spend so much time experimenting, fine-tuning, getting the absolute cheapest way to do something - so why aren't we doing that with social policy?

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