I don't want to be typecast.

I am tired of getting typecast.

I was always typecast as a Latina.

I am not scared of getting typecast.

I was determined not to be typecast.

In India, you get typecast so easily!

In films, maybe I was lost or typecast.

It's not a bad typecast: the goofy guy.

I don't want to be typecast in any role.

I do so many roles, I can't be typecast.

I used to get typecast when I was younger.

My big thing is that I always get typecast.

It's a good thing to be typecast, isn't it?

Getting typecast is a dangerous thing to do.

People want to typecast you; it's human nature.

I don't think I'd ever get typecast as a soldier.

I like to keep breaking the typecast and cliches.

I'm just a very fortunate actor who has not been typecast.

It's up to the actor to make sure they don't get typecast.

I was afraid I'd be typecast forever as a mediocre actress.

I give two hoots about being typecast. It's not in my hands.

Women often don't want to be typecast as the girl that's sad.

I was not easy to cast, but also, I have never been typecast.

As long as I keep getting cast, I don't care if it's typecast.

If I have to be typecast, I'd like it to be as Abraham Lincoln.

I do try and stay away from the stereotype and getting typecast.

I've always played variety of roles and don't want to get typecast.

I don't want to be typecast as a heroine doing just glamorous roles.

Actually two films is too short a time for an actor to get typecast.

The idea is to resist being typecast. I like doing different things.

I don't subscribe to the thinking that being typecast is a bad thing.

Hollywood loves to typecast, and I guess they saw me as a violent guy.

Am I going to complain about being typecast as smart? I don't think so.

I do think I tend to be typecast, but it doesn't necessarily bother me.

If you overdo something, you end up typecast. You always have to expand.

There is so much power in vulnerability, and I am proud to be that typecast.

I've been fortunate enough in my career that I haven't been typecast at all.

Right from my first movie, I have tried hard to make sure I am not typecast.

I think there's a danger of a being typecast as the all-American mom forever.

It's really hard to not get put in a box when you're acting and get typecast.

I had a fear that I'd be typecast, but I don't really have that fear anymore.

I have been typecast in my career, although the type changes with the decades.

I don't mind getting typecast as long as it is not overpowering me as an actor.

No actor wants to be typecast, so you always want to make good, careful choices.

I've said maybe too many times that I'd rather be typecast than not cast at all.

I hate to talk about typecasting, because being typecast as Columbo ain't cancer.

I'm happy with my career and I'm not going to have the trouble of being typecast.

I really want to do acting, and I don't want to be typecast because of my tattoos.

If your film and character are a hit, chances are you'll get typecast in that space.

People try to typecast astronauts as heroic and superhuman. We're only human beings.

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