I am a typical No 9.

My mom is a typical mother.

I come from a typical family.

I don't like to look typical.

I'm a typical California boy.

Are anybody's parents typical?

I'm not a very typical singer.

I am like any typical teenager.

My life is anything but typical.

My mom is not typical in any way.

I try not to be a typical athlete.

Golf is typical capitalist luncay.

I am not the typical WWE superstar.

I think I'm pretty average. Typical.

I'm not a typical public school boy.

I didn't want to do something typical.

I'm obsessively opposed to the typical.

A [typical] worker is a part-time slave.

Rich colors are typical of a rich nature.

[My grandmother] is a typical white person.

Actually, I am a typical middle-class girl.

In a dream it's typical not to be rational.

In a dream it's typical not to be rational.

The typical modern has the look of the hunted.

I was a typical Valley teen, in smoggy Van Nuys.

A typical day for me involves a lot of meetings.

I didn't do the typical things that young kids do.

As a typical creative, I am all ego and insecurity!

I can't believe I've turned into a typical old man.

I like action. It's not typical, but it's a passion.

What Jesus said we could do is leave typical behind.

My mother was aggressive - the typical stage mother.

We want to win every game, that is typical for Bayern.

I long for typical days, but rarely get them any more.

The typical mass murderer is extraordinarily ordinary.

A typical off day for me, I'm hanging out at the house.

Modesty should be typical of the success of a champion.

I don't want to get rid of the typical Dutch tolerance.

We've never been your typical family. We've moved a lot.

I'll continue to make the typical Adam Sandler comedies.

I'm a typical guy. Driving cars and speed are really fun.

Make people's portraits in familiar and typical attitudes.

My style is not like anyone's. I'm not a typical wrestler.

I was your typical pregnant lady - pickles and watermelon.

A typical day for me is I'm writing when I'm not directing.

I always just want to do non-typical voices for some reason.

I'm not a typical couturier, although I really respect them.

The song 'Laughing Down Crying' is not a typical Daryl song.

The typical German coach wants things done one way - his way.

My success came from the fact that I'm not a typical blogger.

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