I like being unconventional.

It's important to be unconventional.

My parents were unconventional for Asian parents.

Oh yes, well, I find myself unconventional everywhere.

I'm a little unconventional; I do things a little differently.

I guess I had what you could call an unconventional upbringing.

I like the way Wiseman builds a story in an unconventional way.

But it is not conscious strategy to go for unconventional roles.

I love being unconventional because that's the reason I stand out.

The Special Operations community is rooted in unconventional warfare.

Not exactly but I get inspiration from stories which are unconventional.

My way of directing is definitely unorthodox, definitely unconventional.

Be creative. Use unconventional thinking. And have the guts to carry it out.

I think, since the beginning, I have been attracted to unconventional films.

I was using very unconventional methods to sequence the telemetric DNA, originally.

Don't be afraid to do something unconventional, to take a chance, to risk something.

Empowered women who reach tough or unconventional positions make CHOICES not sacrifices

It would be a dream come true if I could sing for A.R. Rahman. He is very unconventional.

Jeanne Moreau, Lauren Bacall, they had this unconventional beauty, this amazing charisma.

Human progress has always been driven by a sense of adventure and unconventional thinking.

We shouldn't have politicians micromanaging this war because it is complex and unconventional.

It is only the most elite of elite musicians whose unconventional approach becomes convention.

The Internet is a great place to find unconventional comedy that you can't find anywhere else.

Donald Trump was a very unconventional candidate. He's going to be an unconventional president.

Just because I am open to being unconventional doesn't mean I would pick up anything experimental.

I think it's helped me to have two unconventional parents, who have always encouraged me to be myself.

I like to play these unconventional characters, yes. They're close to the way I feel as a human being.

I don't make unconventional stories; I don't make non-linear stories. I like linear storytelling a lot.

Because I've lived a risky and unconventional life, I don't often struggle for subjects to write about.

There are serious worries about unconventional gas and oil, especially those concerning the environment.

I think I always had an unconventional career because I didn't fit the mould of the conventional heroine.

If we're going to have an unconventional budget, we probably need an unconventional process to get there.

I was completely unconventional in everything, which my mother found very difficult. I was a huge tomboy.

I'm not sad about any of my life. It's so unconventional. It doesn't look anything like I thought it would.

My career has been far from cliched. I have always done unconventional roles and I am proud of all of them.

I’m not sad about any of my life. It’s so unconventional. It doesn’t look anything like I thought it would.

We just have to have the courage to turn against our habitual lifestyle and engage in unconventional living.

Conservatism and respectability have their values, certainly; but has not the unconventional its values also?

We've got to be proactive. It's my job to look for unconventional situations that achieve what my clients want.

My life has been pretty unconventional. The publishers saw a story in it, and yes, my life has been put in a book.

People have always thought of me as someone who's very classical,when in fact I've led a rather unconventional life.

Unconventional warfare needs to remain the heart and soul of U.S. Special Operations Command and component commands.

If one looks at my choices, all of them have been unconventional. There's not a single song-and-dance or romantic film.

I feel like I want to make anime that destroys the norms, something that would be strong, even if it is unconventional.

I've never liked categories; I've never liked boxes; I've always tried to be unconventional as much as I possibly could.

I am lucky that I am surviving in the industry despite the kind of films I have made, which are absolutely unconventional.

You have major labels that are willing to take unconventional approaches because the old model is crumbling in front of us.

After 'Dum Laga Ke Haisha,' I didn't know which way my life will head because my debut was with a very unconventional role.

I think our generation, my generation at least, has become much more comfortable with unconventional romantic relationships.

I like to find things that are unconventional and make them look classic, because if I'm forcing something, you can just tell.

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