Any musical is a major undertaking.

The undertaking of a new action brings new strength.

Child-rearing can be a tedious and thankless undertaking.

The visual life is an enormous undertaking, practically unattainable.

People think meditation is a huge undertaking. Don't think of it like that.

'Frontline' does 10 news shows a year, so one a week is quite an undertaking.

The love of life is necessary to the vigorous prosecution of any undertaking.

It's a massive undertaking putting an album together... It's not light weight at all.

Writing laws based on an abstract theory, rather than reality, is a dangerous undertaking.

Being a comedian is probably the only job apart from undertaking that isn't age restricted.

It is more of a disgrace to be robbed of what one has than to fail in some new undertaking.

My talent is such that no undertaking, however vast in size... has ever surpassed my courage.

Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself.

My undertaking is not difficult, essentially. I should only have to be immortal to carry it out.

To venture upon an undertaking of any kind, even the most insignificant, is to sacrifice to envy.

My first undertaking in the way of scientific experiment was in the field of economics and psychology.

An excellent job with a dubious undertaking, which is like saying it would be great if it wasn't awful.

When undertaking marriage, everyone must be the judge of his own thoughts, and take counsel from himself.

No, absolutely not, writing doesn't have to be like a jigsaw puzzle, it can be a very linear undertaking.

Writing a book is not a small undertaking, but God placed it on my heart to trust Him with such a project.

There is no problem that is not improved by effort, and no effort that is too paltry to be worth undertaking.

Flying from L.A. to India is an arduous undertaking. I regard myself more as a trans-Atlantic citizen than an Indian.

I believe that the pursuit of truth and right ideas through honest debate and rigorous argument is a noble undertaking.

What I find sad is that the New Age movement is primarily a commercial undertaking. But it is answering to a human need.

The Hercules' was a monumental undertaking. It is the largest aircraft ever built... I put the sweat of my life into this thing.

'Scarface' was a tremendous undertaking, and I'm one of those who really feel that no one could have done it like Brian De Palma.

For too long, our nation has relied on low interest rates rather than undertaking the necessary long term necessary economic reforms.

Launching and seeding awareness of a new tagline is a major financial undertaking. You'd have to be very sure that you needed to do that.

Our greatest lack is not money for any undertaking, but rather ideas, If the ideas are good, cash will somehow flow to where it is needed.

I have no tattoos at all - it was a huge undertaking for me in the '80s to let my parents know I was piercing my ear when I did 'L.A. Law.'

I think the Lewis and Clark Expedition was the greatest undertaking in American History. I think landing a man on the moon pales next to it.

'Habibi' is a complex and unapologetic work of fantasy - no idle undertaking for readers of any faith or no faith at all, but one well worth the trouble.

Writing a really general parser is a major but different undertaking, by far the hardest points being sensitivity to context and resolution of ambiguity.

Running for President is physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually the most demanding single undertaking I can envisage unless it's World War III.

Leaders at the highest levels of our government are undertaking a deliberate and systematic effort to redefine our government, our economy and our country.

I suppose directing on set is the most fun because it's a good crack and you feel you're on the battlefield whereas writing is a fairly solitary undertaking.

It's a difficult undertaking. I've been married for four years and I see this movie as a cautionary tale about people who've gone deeply out of communication.

Most pieces take between two and three weeks and involve more than 40 people from the fabric cutters to the embroiders to the sewers. It's an elaborate undertaking.

In trying to make something new, half the undertaking lies in discovering whether it can be done. Once it has been established that it can, duplication is inevitable.

As our expedition to New York seems likely to be attended with a very fatal Consequence, and ourselves haply censured for undertaking it without assurance of success.

U.S. officials and outside experts agree that China is undertaking a comprehensive modernization of its military. The Chinese military has gotten smaller but smarter.

These ancient huts were soon cleared of the rubbish covering them. I planned them, and removed them for investigation below, which undertaking took until the fourth of Nov.

Before venturing on so large an undertaking as is involved in the task I had set myself I consulted a number of distinguished scholars as to the desirability of such a series.

To plead for the Oppress'd and to defend the Weak seem'd to me a generous undertaking; for tho' it may be secure, 'tis not always Honourable to run over to the strongest party.

The world is better because of Coretta Scott King. She affected countless lives and her voice will be deeply missed, especially by those who carry on her incredible undertaking.

For many years, the work advanced but slowly. One denomination after another embarked in the undertaking; and now, American missionaries are seen in almost every land and every clime.

I can honestly say that I was never affected by the question of the success of an undertaking. If I felt it was the right thing to do, I was for it regardless of the possible outcome.

Of course, every artist has 'minor works' that they do, but I don't think I have any 'minor disciplines.' Each discipline I approach as a major undertaking that I put my whole self into.

Among my activities was membership in the Boy Scouts; I rose each year through the ranks, eventually achieving the rank of Eagle Scout and undertaking leadership roles in the organization.

The reality is that my style of drumming is largely an athletic undertaking, and it does not pain me to realize that, like all athletes, there comes a time to... take yourself out of the game.

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