You knew after eight bars that you were hearing something just absolutely new and unique.

Cultivate everything the critics hated in your first work - that's what makes you unique.

I had a unique privilege to have a good start in life and a chance to develop my talents.

Life's gift to you is your unique vantage point. Your gift to life is expressing from it.

So one of the most unique things on screen in American movies today is everyday behavior.

We have something that is unique. We have our craft. We have our art. We have our desire.

I developed some unique software to public it on the web that I call the Folklore Project.

Cinema is gambling. It is better to gamble on a unique film even if it seems like suicide.

People sometimes forget that Sydney is a harbour and it's the ferries that make it unique.

I'm always trying to find something unique or a project that I can do something unique in.

Every single one of us has the unique opportunity to create awareness and influence change

No one who has had a unique experience with prayer has a right to withhold it from others.

We all live in a small unique world, that's why we need at least one sole common language.

In the highest sense the Bible is to us the unique repository of eternal spiritual truths.

The fun thing about scent is that it's unique to everyone; pheromones take on a new scent.

The fantasy we had with pearls was always so luxurious and unique with a kind of rareness.

Look, let me put it this way: with me, you’re number one and there isn’t even a number two.

Everyone has a common, yet unique, responsibility to the future: to make the most of today.

Live through deeds of love, and let others live with tolerance for their unique intentions.

The prism through which you experience life is so unique. There is no objective experience.

We can never have enough startups that are pursuing unique solutions to important problems.

God is One, all our lives have various and unique places in the harmony of the divine life.

I do not think that I was brought up in a unique society with unique features about giving.

Santa Fe is a great place which people don't get there often, but it's like a unique place.

Contemplating Christmas when you are isolated and far from home brings its own unique pain.

Zidane is unique. The ball flows with him. He is more like a dancer than a football player.

Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution.

I believe the power of Economics is to help provide a unique lens for looking at the world.

Families homeschool for different reasons, in unique situations, using a variety of methods.

There's nothing particularly unique about my experiences except that they're my experiences.

Speech gave man a unique power to lead a double life, he could say one thing and do another.

Our lives are unique stones in the mosaic of human existence -- priceless and irreplaceable.

I'm pretty much open to anyone who's unique and has mutual appreciation in the music as BTS.

[Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns] is not just unique to books, but films and music.

Everybody is unique. Compare not yourself with anybody else lest you spoil God's curriculum.

The comedy of each age holds up a mirror to the people of that age, a mirror that is unique.

Home will always be London. Theres something unique about the British. Its about cheekiness.

Color is key to making your makeup pop and have your unique look stand out amongst the rest.

The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplacable being.

I'm always trying to come up with something new and unique. I do a beatbox with a harmonica.

Experiencing flow helps a person remember that they are unique. ... Just like everyone else.

Didn't I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness?

The unique nature about the influenza virus is its great potential for changes, for mutation.

He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed.

Mission creep is not unique to Congress. It is endemic to all arms of the federal government.

I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint

The two biggest self-deceptions of all are that life has a 'meaning'and each of us is unique.

The Iraqi regime is a threat of unique urgency. [...] It has developed weapons of mass death.

Flaw is just a negative word for what might be something that makes you unique or interesting.

Now I get exposure first with people directly in the clubs. This is a unique situation for me.

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