Human language appears to be a unique phenomenon, without significant analogue in the animal world.

Don't borrow someone else's plan. Develop your own philosophy and it will lead you to unique places.

I create for each individual woman to reflect her definite sense of personal style and unique beauty

The Gospel worldview equips the artist with a unique combination of optimism and realism about life.

Lord! what a strange world in which a man cannot remain unique even by taking the trouble to go mad!

Paradise is not something unique; there are so many paradises in the universe; Earth is one of them!

I have always been driven to buck the system, to innovate, to take things beyond where they've been.

I would tell my younger self not to change for anyone. There's only one you, which makes you unique.

The very essence of the creative is its novelty, and hence we have no standard by which to judge it.

A whole world is taken to the grave with the dead person; each one of us is unique and unrepeatable.

If you're really special, meaning you're doing something unique and original, it could scare people.

I have developed a unique way of looking at the relationship of the human body to health and disease.

All of us have times when we think we are ugly,but all.of us have a unique beauty others do not have.

Each film is difficult, in its own particular way. There's a unique set of challenges on every movie.

The tryptamine molecule has this unique property of releasing the structured self into the over-self.

To the whole world you might be just one person, but to one person you might just be the whole world.

I do like my hair. It took a while to come around to the fact that it was quite a unique value point.

You are not a beautiful, unique snowflake... This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.

Don't compare yourself to anyone. Be happy to be the wonder unique, very special person that you are.

Talent--that is to say, the ability to see the world in a unique way--matures and grows in isolation.

We have a unique opportunity as Disney because it really is the only true global entertainment brand.

My dad was a poet. He saw the world through unique glasses, with simplicity, spirituality, and humor.

So far as we live and strive at all, our lives are various, are needed for the whole, and are unique.

There is something very unique in American iconography about this notion of the pursuit of happiness.

Find out what my Individual Divine and Unique Power IS and offer it outwards in harmony with all life!

The unique thing about our country is that we don't get behind politicians, politicians get behind us.

I have a unique ability to mock everything. I'm a sponge by nature, thats what my environment made me.

Do not compare yourself to others. You have a unique destiny and mission that only you can accomplish.

What has brought unique, irreplaceable me - out of all the possibilities of life - here, now, to this?

It's grown into a personal relationship, yeah. I'm crazy about Jerry. I think he's a unique character.

You have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way".

The goal is to become the unique, awesome, never to be repeated human being that we were called to be.

We must not just patch and tinker with life. We must keep renewing it. Embrace novelty and uniqueness.

You see, as far as the man's personality goes, there's no one who can touch Fred Astaire. He's unique.

God has made all of us in a certain way, and we are all unique. I see no reason to find fault in that.

Artists have the unique ability to tell stories. It's not charts and graphs that get people to change.

If you don't look at things through your concepts, you'll never be bored. Every single thing is unique.

Our relationship with Mexico in this regard is unique for us, and in many respects unique in the world.

There's nothing unique about me as a parent. I am a parent. My kids are kids. We do the best we can do.

I would hope they would be our fellow artists, rather than trying to emulate or idolize clowns like us.

Every man carries with him through life a mirror, as unique and impossible to get rid of as his shadow.

Between the two [parents], it was a really unique upbringing, I think, especially for where I was from.

I really like working with unique and unknown artists, as they usually bring something fresh to a song.

Because his basic idea that he got from the study of gall wasps is that everyone's sexuality is unique.

The belief that tomorrow is a different place from today is certainly a unique hallmark of our species.

One very important element for me to make a movie is, it has to be unique and different from any other.

I think if I have any kind of unique gift, it's more in the comedy area than it is in the dramatic area.

We are all unique, which makes us beautiful; so never despair, and just chill the hell out about it all.

The self-portrait is an act of objectifying the self and in that regard is a unique form of portraiture.

Sports is a unique thing in our country. It's so influential. It's almost like a sacrament for religion.

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