I love being in the United States Senate.

It's not often that a United States Senate seat comes open.

I'm blessed to represent Florida in the United States Senate.

It would be wonderful to be a member of the United States Senate.

Serving in the United States Senate has been the greatest privilege of my life.

When I do my hiring in the United States Senate, I look at issues of diversity.

The bottom line is, there have been a lot of nuts elected to the United States Senate.

Lyndon Johnson, as majority leader of the United States Senate, he made the Senate work.

He took pride in belonging to the world's most exclusive club: the United States Senate.

Well, I was 29 years old when I came to the United States Senate, and I have learned a lot.

I will not be responsible for the loss of the Democratic majority in the United States Senate.

We can write the book on how to run a successful write-in campaign for the United States Senate.

The day that I was elected to the United States Senate remains among the most cherished of my life.

Now I have known Sen. Bill Frist, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, since he was born.

Guess what - I am one of the ONLY senators in the whole United States Senate that is computer literate!

Tim Kaine can't point to a single accomplishment in the United States Senate for Virginia or Virginians.

What I can do as the member of the United States Senate is try to do everything I can to keep America safe.

If I am elected, God willing, to the United States Senate, I will be leading the charge for President Trump.

It costs about $27 million to win a seat in the United States Senate, so when you win one, you like to sit down.

I feel that I am best positioned to fight for America's future here in the trenches of the United States Senate.

About all I can say for the United States Senate is that it opens with a prayer and closes with an investigation.

In 2010, there were 57 lawyers, zero manufacturers, and way too many career politicians in the United States Senate.

I want to do my part in fighting for America's future. That's why I have decided to run for the United States Senate.

I am extremely privileged to serve Rhode Island in the United States Senate, and that is my only goal and aspiration.

It is not nothing to ask someone holding an election certificate in the United States Senate to provide his or her vote.

Orrin Hatch is old enough to be my father, and I don't want my father running the United States Senate Finance Committee.

I think it's a time to be sad about what's been done to the United States Senate, the greatest deliberative body in the world.

I want to thank the many Missourians who have reached out to me and asked me to consider running for the United States Senate.

I have, year after year, been named the most bipartisan member of the whole United States Senate. I have proved my independence.

It is time for new leadership, new direction, and new results in Washington, D.C., and that is why I am running for United States Senate.

When his nomination comes before the United States Senate, Timothy Batten can count on my strong support... He is the right person for the job.

My fervent expectation is that sooner rather than later, the United States Senate will more closely reflect the rich diversity of this great country.

The country is facing a fiscal crisis, and the United States Senate is at the center of the debate about how to bring federal spending under control.

It is a privilege to serve the country in the United States Senate and serve the people of New Hampshire. I wake up every day with a sense of purpose.

In the United States Senate, we cannot do great things without reaching across the aisle and working together - and I look forward to the challenges ahead.

If the Republicans get control back of the United States Senate, we will no longer have a check and balance on the White House, on the Republican Congress.

If segregationists had their way, I would not be a member of the United States Senate today, I would not be a top contender to be president of the United States.

I'm endorsing Col. Maness for United States Senate because of his deeply held commitment to the constitutional rights and principles our nation was founded upon.

1992 became known as the 'Year of the Woman' because so many of us were elected to public office that November, including a record six to the United States Senate.

Mitch McConnell has, as much as anyone, done great damage to the United States Senate as an institution that was once known as the world's greatest deliberative body.

I will not seek reelection the United States Senate but will retire from public service in January 2013. There is no reason other than the fact than I think it's time.

I consider the United States Senate the greatest deliberative body in the world, and I respect the important role the Constitution affords it in the confirmation of our judges.

In his years in Washington, Senator Kerry has been one vote of a hundred in the United States Senate - and fortunately on matters of national security he was very often in the minority.

The United States Senate is already chock full of career politicians and insiders who fall in line for political expediency and refuse to stand up and speak out for the American people.

To put that into some perspective, when Bill Clinton and Al Gore had first taken the idea of the Kyoto Protocol up to the Congress, the United States Senate voted it down 95 to nothing.

The United States Senate wasn't designed to be a majority-rule institution. It was designed to include and accommodate the rights of the minority in small states as well as large states.

I think Evan Bayh directly should answer to the many Hoosiers I've spoken with who have questions about his ethical practices, or lack thereof, when he served in the United States Senate.

I grew up in a family that nearly lost everything, but I ended up in the United States Senate because I grew up in an America that invested in kids like me and built a real future for us.

More than a few Republicans in the United States Senate seem to have contracted a severe case of what Harry Truman called 'Potomac Fever' (wanting to go along to get along in Washington).

Barbara Boxer is the most bitterly partisan, most anti-defense senator in the United States Senate today. I know that because I've had the unpleasant experience of having to serve with her.

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