I would love to see a G-Unit reunion.

A goal is the basic unit of life design.

Individual peace is the unit of world peace.

Effective therapies treat the whole body as a unit.

Every unit that is not supported is a defeated unit.

Learning is the essential unit of progress for startups.

Any number of depraved units cannot form a great nation.

To be a great player, you have to affect the entire unit.

The book is a unit and is such a brilliant ergonomic unit.

Small unit democracy, I found early on, didn't work for me.

We basically created a computational unit out of two brains.

Don't get small units caught in between the forces of history.

The body must be perfection before the will is a functioning unit

Scientific progress is measured in units of courage, not intelligence.

Everyone knows what can happen to soldiers who are in front line units.

When I meet viewers in person, it always seems to be entire family units.

The family was not only the social unit, but also the unit of government.

The underlying part of any comprehensive immigration bill is family unit.

I think there are movies that are so gigantic that you need a second unit

Is a woman a thinking unit at all, or a fraction always wanting its integer?

The money from every unit being sold is what I feel every artist should see.

I have three storage units, and that's no lie. Three storage units. All books.

The unit of the poet is the word, the unit of the prose writer is the sentence.

If you're gonna build units for the rich, you're gonna build units for the poor.

Our society is not a community, but merely a collection of isolated family units.

The family is not just the basic unit of society; it is the basic unit of eternity.

No one has looked at news from new atomic units of content, like a tweet on Twitter.

Hamas, we know, embeds missiles, embeds command-and-control units in civilian areas.

We expect the market for convergence devices to double to 100 million units in 2006.

The family is the most important unit in time and in eternity and is ordained of God.

According to physical measurements, DNA chains are, on the average, 10,000 units long.

Some Marine units actually use 'An Officer and a Gentleman' in their training programs.

Even as the cell is the unit of the organic body, so the family is the unit of society.

I have an Otari with a Korg T2 Midi synthesizer, a drum machine and a few effects units.

There's only one way to improve society. Present it with a single improved unit: yourself.

Marriage, the family unit, was the "original Department of Health, Education and Welfare."

I'm going to a commune in Vermont and will deal with no unit of time shorter than a season.

When a project has an ample budget, I am interested now in using bigger units of materials.

Music will always be a part of my life. I love music and I don't care how many units I sell.

I spent 11 years in isolation units, solitary confinement... in the hardest places for women.

For the signifier is a unit in its very uniqueness, being by nature symbol only of an absence.

But the worst handicap we had the prohibition of naming individual units who had done the fighting.

All vinyl polymers may be regarded as built from monomeric units containing a tertiary carbon atom.

The strategy of Tumblr is very elegant.. The atomic unit of user experience is the same as the ads.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that the 761st was Patton's best tank unit and nobody knew about it.

I'm proud to report that in 2004 alone, we approved 3,600 new units of housing - our best year ever!

The Wii had sold a hundred million units globally; the Wii U did not have that same level of success.

I gotta keep hustling. I know when it comes to the Internet, we move units. I grew up on the Internet.

Both sides have been playing tremendous cricket over a couple of years and they're both very good units.

I had to inspect all fighter units in Russia, Africa, Sicily, France, and Norway. I had to be everywhere.

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