Without a Coca-Cola life is unthinkable.

The unthinkable is thinkable. No: likely.

Socialism without democracy is unthinkable.

Human morality is unthinkable without empathy.

Simply put, a Trump presidency is unthinkable.

You have to be willing to think the unthinkable.

Gale is mine. I am his. Anything else is unthinkable.

To let oneself be carried on passively is unthinkable.

Movement is life; without movement life is unthinkable.

Philosophy limits the thinkable and therefore the unthinkable.

A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar.

Telling people not to have children is unthinkable and inhumane.

Some were paid solely for their ability to dream up the unthinkable.

Sixteen years on the road is long enough. Twenty years is unthinkable.

If we do not do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable.

I'm probably the most unthinkable vegan on the planet for several reasons.

We have no choice but to be guilty. God is unthinkable if we are innocent.

If I have to be a soldier I must be a good one, anything else is unthinkable

The unthinkable occurred: two communist countries went to war with each other.

Australia without the Irish would be unthinkable... unimaginable... unspeakable.

To achieve the impossible; it is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought.

The evolutionist thesis has become more stringently unthinkable than ever before.

If I have got to be a soldier, I must be a good one, anything else is unthinkable.

A lot of the things that until now seemed unthinkable are starting to be thinkable.

What we learned on September 11 is that the unthinkable is now thinkable in the world

What we learned on September 11 is that the unthinkable is now thinkable in the world.

There is nothing so unthinkable as thought, unless it be the entire absence of thought.

The mistake is to imagine that perfection is possible when the very idea is unthinkable.

I think life without Coronation Street would be unthinkable. It's part of all our lives.

For many, to live in a universe that may have no purpose, and no creator, is unthinkable.

It was a time when the unthinkable became the thinkable and the impossible really happened

I'm trying to trick people into thinking about the unthinkable by using pop culture images.

One of the extraordinary things about human events is that the unthinkable becomes thinkable.

The humiliating idea that we just slide from the top E.U. table to third country is unthinkable.

My weight fluctuated when I was 30, and I did the unthinkable - I stepped out as a plus-sized model.

In Bollywood they think if a leading lady can do one free-falling kick she's achieved the unthinkable.

But it is not at all unthinkable for anyone to tell a writer how to write. It comes with the territory.

It is simply unthinkable that we will ever again send overseas a great expeditionary force of armed men.

When I was growing up, you sort of did the unthinkable. You did something that has never really been replicated.

It is unthinkable for a Frenchman to arrive at middle age without having syphilis and the Cross of the Legion of Honor.

We are not concerned with the very poor. They are unthinkable, and only to be approached by the statistician or the poet.

The fall of Rome seemed unthinkable to people at the time but inevitable to historians reflecting upon it with the benefit of context.

What kind of America do people want to leave for their children? What horrors are down the road, stuff that was unthinkable 30 years ago?

The most important newspapers in this country need to exist. Our democracy needs them. Life as we know it would be unthinkable without them.

Writers of feminist dystopian fiction are alert to the realities that grind down women's lives, that make the unthinkable suddenly thinkable.

It would be unthinkable in Canadian public life today for the public inauguration of our supreme political figures to be accompanied by prayer.

It is unthinkable to have a British countryside that doesn't have actual functioning farmers riding tractors, cows in fields, things like that.

It is absolutely unacceptable to single out any political group - right, left, or center - and say we're going to target them. That is unthinkable.

We, the generation that faces the next century, can add the solemn injunction 'If we don't do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable.'

They were so exhausted and seasick and all they could do was crawl up those beaches. And thousands of them lay dead in no time at all. It's unthinkable.

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